Are Cherry Shrimp Eating The Plants?


Fish Crazy
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Beds, UK
I have 3 cherry shrimp which spend a lot of their time on one of the plants, water wisteria (hygrophila difformis). The leaves of this plant are covered with holes, like lace, mainly affecting the leaves where the shrimp hang out. Are the shrimp actually eating the leaves, or have the leaves become damaged some other way and the shrimp are just cleaning up the bits?

Thanks for any advice!
They won't be eating live plants thats 100% certain, the will eat any parts that have died.
as liam said they will only eat plants that are dying so maybe you have some leaves that are dying on the wisteria , they will clean any algae off of the plants though and that might look like they are eating the plants
the only plant they do nibble is java moss :)

good luck with your shrimps

Sarah xx
I suppose your wisteria might be getting irritated by the shrimps wandering around on them, try putting some java moss in the tank to distract them and see if the wisteria recovers :)
Thanks all - that makes sense - there was algae on the wisteria leaves, and it's quite possible the leaves were damaged before the shrimp got to them. There is Java moss in the tank - I hadn't realised they would nibble that! but as long as they're happy, the moss can take its chances.

I gave them a squished pea last night for the first time - they loved it! Two of them were having a little tug-of-war over one piece - they were so funny.

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