Are Black C.aeneus Rare

Hi drewry :)

Did you ask the seller if he had any more for sale? If you can afford to get more of them, by all means do so. It would be a sad thing if you lost one of them and ended up with two of the same gender.

How are they going to be shipped? If you can get them to you overnight, it's worth the extra expense, especially if it's very cold in the area they have to travel through. Also, if it is cold, ask if he'll send them with a heat pack, to be on the safe side.

hi Inchworm

yeah i did ask if they had anymore but they only had the 3 unfortionatly :( other wise id of gone for at least 6 of them.
there getting sent overnight delivery with a heat pack :good:
Hi drewry :)

They should come through just fine! :D

Hi stiffler69 :)

That's the same fish, but the wrong name. If you have room and can get some, I'm sure you would aggree that they are very beautiful! This is one of my males.

The Venezuelan Blacks are a different fish. The ones pictured in the add look to be the C. Schultzei to me. They have the reddish tint to the fins.

If the supplier cannot tell the gender of the three Corys, drewry, it is likely that they are pre adolescent juvies--very young. The adult female C. schultzei sp black is unmistakable.

It appears that they are becoming much more accessable in England than the States. We are bigger so it will take longer for them to hit the common market. I would expect the fish farms to eventually get on the band wagon, beacuse as Inchworm says they are ready breeders once they start. Mine have already spawned while barely able to distinguish the female. Inchy's spawned also. I believe we got ours from the same source, and his are off and running.
hi jollysue

they was advertised as adults but im exspecting them to be mutch younger like u say. im not botherd though i think there amazing and carnt wait to get them :rolleyes:
im just off to my lfs to get a load of live plants, bogwood and some sort of caves ,and slate as im seting up my 36inchx18x18 for them thinks its about 50 us gallons.
they.ll be in there with 6 stebias wich are juviniles and about 6 one inch peppers
Did you know that each of those species have different water preferences--especially temperature?

Apparently, the C. schulzei type papers were lost. The schultzei got typed as a C. aeneus. But it is clearly not C. aeneus, if you have both. So they are still called C. aeneus by some, but the most knowledgable know that they are in reality C. schultzei. However, it can get confusing when one tries to unravel it.

I have also heard people say that the Venezuelan blacks are the same as the German developed C. Shultzei black, which I believe is not true and they are separate s[ecies. The mythology about these fish is better known than the facts. I get confused whenever I try to figure it all out. Nevertheless, we are safest at the moment calling them C. shultzei. That also is how the are catalogued on PlanetCatfish.
Did you know that each of those species have different water preferences--especially temperature?

Apparently, the C. schulzei type papers were lost. The schultzei got typed as a C. aeneus. But it clearly is not C. aeneus if you have both. So they are still called C. aeneus by some, but the mose knowledgable know that they are in reality C. schultzei. However, it can get confusing when one tries to unravel it.

hi jollysue

thats right confuse me lol
what is the prefaired tempreture of the C. schulzei

I tried to find it, but couldn't I will ask around though.

Thing is the sterbai are by nature a warm water cory. 80 degrees is not too warm for them. Peppers are by nature a cold water Cory. 60 degrees is not too cold for them. I keep mine about 70 degrees and give cold water changes of up to 50%. I am going to guess that the blacks are mid range @ 75 degrees F. Most are safe at 75 F. but breeding is better at their preference and not ours--health also and vitality.

I know--hehe--I threw a bunch of nonsense in about cataloge typing the blacks, but the door had been opened, as the attorneys say. Also if you go to look them up on an official site, such as planet catfish, they will be schultzei but you may see them advertuzed as Venazuelan or aeneus.

I don't have a thermometer here to check for the celcius, sorry. I also don't know how to spell it. :p

I tried to find it, but couldn't I will ask around though.

Thing is the sterbai are by nature a warm water cory. 80 degrees is not too warm for them. Peppers are by nature a cold water Cory. 60 degrees is not too cold for them. I keep mine about 70 degrees and give cold water changes of up to 50%. I am going to guess that the blacks are mid range @ 75 degrees F. Most are safe at 75 F. but breeding is better at their preference and not ours--health also and vitality.

I know--hehe--I threw a bunch of nonsense in about cataloge typing the blacks, but the door had been opened, as the attorneys say. Also if you go to look them up on an official site, such as planet catfish, they will be schultzei but you may see them advertuzed as Venazuelan or aeneus.

I don't have a thermometer here to check for the celcius, sorry. I also don't know how to spell it. :p

the person im getting the black ones from said theve been keept at 77 degrees.
ill have a scout about on them to see there temp range :good: the temp in the tank there going in to is set at 75 anyway.
and the stebia.s are in a tank at 75 onece i move the stebia,s into the same tank as the black corys i might put the peppers in were the stebia,s was and bring the temp down as i dont have to put them in the big tank with the black and stebia.s.

well im the worst for spelling i just spell how i think it should be spelt as long as it sounds something like that does me :good:

I don't have a thermometer here to check for the celcius, sorry. I also don't know how to spell it. :p

you spell it, I T :p

sorry, couldn't resist! :rolleyes:

While I rarely allow direct links or full posts from other forums, I will make an exception with this one because it is definitive on the subject.

forwarded from Frank Falcone re: black Cory
Posted by: "Anubias Design" anubiasdesign
Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:31 am (PST)

Frank Falcone <> wrote: From: Frank Falcone <>
To: Anubias Design <>
Subject: Blacks
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:19:53 -0500

Hi Mark,

I see where a lot of the confusion comes from regarding the "Blacks."
I would, at present, regard the following as the definitive statement
on the subject. The following is a public post that Ian Fuller made on
the subject in July of 2007. He and I discuss this fish often and I am
not aware of any information which places the following statement in


P.S. Feel free to use the pic if they will help in the discussion. LMK
if there is any other way that I can help.


Jul 31 2007, 03:41 PM


Sometimes I wonder how it is that people dispute fact and publicise

I have stated how the "Black" C. aeneus came to be several times, on
several forums and I am sure here as well, but to clear up the origins
of the "Black" here is a statement from Hans-Georg Evers.

"I knew the guy who "created" the "black aeneus". His name was Hartmut
Eberhardt. He lived in Weimar and was a dear friend of Dr. Hanns-
Joachim Franke. Both were my friends and both are already dead and it
seems, that some storys need to be retold. Hartmut had the very first
black aeneus amongst his thousands of normally coloured ones of the
"schultzei-type". The black ones have orange fins in the first months
of their life and so does one type of aeneus from Venezuela. This type
lives in the Llanos of Venezuela and also Colombia and is regularly
being imported. When they darken their body colouration (stress,
light, etc.) they resemble the black youngsters and this might have
lead to the name Black aeneus from Venezuela."

Has also told me that many of the 'Black' were sold to breeders in the
Czech Republic, who then started to reproduce them in large numbers,
these were eventually exported all over the world with some of the
first coming to the UK around 1980 and I first bred them in November

Yes Jollysue, they are man made through line breeding not by invention
as you seem to be jesting about, and who said they were "German
mutants"? If you are referring to the statement I made some time back
about the long straggly finned Corys, and ancistrus for that matter,
which were developed using hormone breeding methods. The it is you who
has included the "Blacks" in this category not I.

The fish that you have had from Frank as far as I am aware are not
from the Venezuelan strain, which show redish-brown fins and are of a
stockier build.

The "Black" will never get any scientific recognition unless it is
found in a wild population, it's parentage may be, as it is almost
certain that C. schultzii will be re-instated as a full species in the
fullness of time, but because Holly's original material was lost in
WWII, neotypes will have to be used from the type locality.

Also to clarify the use of the term "cf" as in C. cf aeneus. Whenever
it is used after the genus and before the species name, it means
"Character of," meaning it "Looks like or similar, to".

Hopefully this will clear up the whole speculation about the "Black"


Jollysue, I doubt very much if we got our blacks from the same source.

I tried to find it, but couldn't I will ask around though.

Thing is the sterbai are by nature a warm water cory. 80 degrees is not too warm for them. Peppers are by nature a cold water Cory. 60 degrees is not too cold for them. I keep mine about 70 degrees and give cold water changes of up to 50%. I am going to guess that the blacks are mid range @ 75 degrees F. Most are safe at 75 F. but breeding is better at their preference and not ours--health also and vitality.

I know--hehe--I threw a bunch of nonsense in about cataloge typing the blacks, but the door had been opened, as the attorneys say. Also if you go to look them up on an official site, such as planet catfish, they will be schultzei but you may see them advertuzed as Venazuelan or aeneus.

I don't have a thermometer here to check for the celcius, sorry. I also don't know how to spell it. :p

the person im getting the black ones from said theve been keept at 77 degrees.
ill have a scout about on them to see there temp range :good: the temp in the tank there going in to is set at 75 anyway.
and the stebia.s are in a tank at 75 onece i move the stebia,s into the same tank as the black corys i might put the peppers in were the stebia,s was and bring the temp down as i dont have to put them in the big tank with the black and stebia.s.

well im the worst for spelling i just spell how i think it should be spelt as long as it sounds something like that does me :good:

That sounds good, drewry.

I don't have a thermometer here to check for the celcius, sorry. I also don't know how to spell it. :p

you spell it, I T :p

sorry, couldn't resist! :rolleyes:


I don't get it???? Must be a UK joke. :p Really, what is I T? :S
Sue... I T is the spelling of it... the word it... literally... :lol:
It is kind of like when you tell someone to "say it"... so they comply by saying the word "it". :lol: :p :rofl:

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