aquatic frogs


New Member
Sep 9, 2004
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I've just added some red eye tetra's and a baby aquatic frog to my communal tank

The fish are attacking the frog's feet ,what can i do? :byebye: :(
Add some plants like Java moss or a spawning mop for the frog to find cover. They should instinctively know how to escape a predators attention.

Also make sure your tetras are well-fed and hopefully they will lose interest in a few days.

Alternately, chalk it up to a bad combination and apologize to your frog as he leaps to the carpet...

Good luck,
Ensuring your frog has adequate hiding space may or may not help. Unfortunately, little frog feet often look like enticing fish food. Sometimes fish ignore frogs other times there are problems like you experience. I have frogs with a few miscellaneous tetras and rhasboras, and I have no problems. It may be my fish have a better temperment, or it may be because I have six frogs and 8 fish. Good luck!


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