depends on which frog you are getting. please please PLEASE learn the difference between clawed and dwarf - - -
how to spot the difference:
FEET - - -
* DWARF has webbing between the toes on all 4 feet
* CLAWED has webbing only between the toes on the hind feet
EYES - - -
* DWARF eyes are flush on the side of their face
* CLAWED eyes are perched slightly on top of their head like a normal frogs
COLOR - - -
* DWARF comes in varying shades of brown with spotting patterns
* CLAWED come in the marbled/mottled brown patterns similar to dwarf, albino, piebald, leucistic
NOTE - - - ALOT OF LFS STORES TRY AND SELL "DWARF CLAWED" AND "DWARF ALBINO" - - dwarf frogs will NEVER be albino and "Dwarf Clawed" means they are trying to sell a frog under the pretenses of dwarf, knowing the clawed will quickly outgrow most tanks and the person will continue to spend money upgrading tanks and replacing "disappearing" fish.
care - - -
for dwarfs, they need 1 gallon per frog, mid 70*s F, no more than a depth of 16", preferably no more than 12". Both species need to breed oxygen quite frequently, and both spend the majority of their time on the bottom, so if they have to struggle to much for air, they will end up stressed then drowned.
feed a mixture of blood worms, brine shrimp, and broken up reptomin pellets. I recommend sand as a substrate. lots of hiding places, but nothing they can get stuck under because they will drown. They usually live 3-5 years, but have been reported of living longer with ideal conditions.
for claweds, they need 10 gallons for one, and work out better in LONG tanks rather than tall as they give each frog more space around the bottom, which is where they spend the most of their time. you could have 3 or 4 frogs in a 20 gallon as long as you are diligent with the maintenance. these frogs are VERY messy. when young, feed a mixture of broken up reptomin pellets, blood worms, brine shimp, and feeder guppies if you have a reliable source of healthy fish. do not EVER feed rosy red minnows or goldfish - - these block the frogs natural ability to absorb the B Enzyme. once they get older you can feed them earth worms. just make sure the worms have not been in an area with fertilizer.
males will get 3-4 inches from head to rear, legs not included, and around 8 -12 months their forearms and hands will become black. these are called "dirty hands" and are nuptial pads. they are used to help the male clasp the female around the waist during mating. females get 4-6" inches just in body and have a tiny little tail on their rear. their forearms and hands stay creamy white. these frogs can live 15-20 years. they will also eat any fish or frog that can fit into their mouth. therefore dwarfs and claweds cannot be kept together, and young clawed frogs cannot be added in with older clawed frogs. I also recommend a sand substrate. dont bother planting your tank - - they will uproot all of the plants with their powerful kicking. I love using water wisteria and leaving it floating. it works well for keeping the water clean and gives them more security. a cover for their tank is a MUST! they are renowned escape artists.