Aquatic Frogs ... Advice Please


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Can any of you give me some advice on aquatic frogs?
Went to aquatic shop the other day and my son saw some of these frogs and keeps pestering to get some - they did look great.
I have a Trigon 190 which currently has, among other things, neon & glowlight tetras, a moonlight/golden gourami, male and female swordtail, two North American catfish, two golden loaches, four platys, zebra danios, two lyretail mollies and two very timid clown loaches (bought against my better judgement but they have settled in very nicely and spend most of the day hiding from everything in the tank).
I'm sure the tank is big enough but would they be alright with this selection of fish?
Any thoughts, either way, would be gratefully received ... :blink:
So long as you get Dwarfs, not clawed, and the catfish isn't too big, they could be OK.

If you think one of your fish can eat them or are nippy, get them a seperate tank.


The African Dwarf Frog is suited to peaceful communities, and semi-peaceful communities. This basically means no frog nippers or predators. They can be successfully housed with Betta splendens, but males may become aggressive at any moment, so a female tankmate is a bit safer. They can be housed with small catfish, environmental conditions and habitat size permitting, such as corydoras or otinciclus. Peaceful, community tetras like the neon, cardinal, or glowlight tetras are fine, again circumstances permitting. Guppies, platies, or swordtails are good tankmates as well. These frogs are docile enough to be housed with small crustateons, like ghost shrimp, or cherry shrimp. And again, circumstances permitting, Singapore Flower Shrimp or Amano Shrimp are possible. Small apple snails, such as P. brigesii, also known as Mystery Snails. They are detrivores and will not kill, nor try to eat a sleeping frog. African dwarf frogs also enjoy their own kind, of course.
Thanks for the help folks.
After much deliberation and talking to my friendly local shopkeeper I have purchased two aquatic frogs (with webbed front feet!).
Two-and-a-half days on Kermit and Rocket are just fine ...
Watch this space!
I must warn you that you realy need to feed them live food. They will not eat frozen very well because it does not move and they seem to snap at movement. I had two in my 260Ltr and they did fine untill I got to full stock and they were out competed for food because the frozen was eaten before they found it. Hope you do better then I did as I really miss my two ADFs.
I must warn you that you realy need to feed them live food. They will not eat frozen very well because it does not move and they seem to snap at movement. I had two in my 260Ltr and they did fine untill I got to full stock and they were out competed for food because the frozen was eaten before they found it. Hope you do better then I did as I really miss my two ADFs.

You had trouble getting frogs to EAT??? After eating every pellet I gave them, my frogs ate the flakes, bloodworms shrimp and dried tubefex worms I gave the fish. I was afraid to take a ham 'n cheese sandwhich anywhere NEAR these little gluttons!

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