Fish Fanatic
Today I went to Petco to pick up some ghost shrimp for my tanks and they had these absolutely HUGE tadpoles for sale. I over heard an employee talking to a customer about them, but she claims to not know anything about them because they get them in so rarely. The label just says "tadpole frog"... They had to be at least 5-6 inches long. I though I heard her say they are leopard frog tadpoles? Leopard frogs are very common where I live and I've never seen a tadpole that big before. She also said the frogs they turn into are fully aquatic, but leopard frogs aren't fully aquatic? Does anybody know what these are? I'm really interested in getting some and they are only 1.99! But I don't want to get one without knowing what it is exactly and how to take care of it. If anyone has any information on these tadpoles that would be amazing. Thanks for the help. I sadly did not get a picture of them, but they look sort of green with small black speckles, have their back legs, and are about 5-6 inches in length.