Aquatic Acronym Directory


Aug 2, 2004
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A lot of people here use acronyms for commonly mentioned fish species. I'm forever baffled by them, even if I know the species in question. I just don't put it together.

Anyway, I thought it would be cool to have a list of common acronyms and maybe if we get enough it could be a sticky!

Fish Species Acronyms :

T barb = Tiger barb
LF = Long Finned
P's = Pirahnas
JD = Jack Dempsey cichlid
BR = Bolivian Rams
GR = Germain Rams
USDC = Upside Down Cats
Arrow = Arrowana
BGK = Black ghost knife fish
CKF = Clown knife fish
ABF = African butterfly fish
PSG = Purple spotted gudgeon
BBG = Bumblebee goby
ATF = African tiger fish
RTC = Red tailed catfish
GN/GNC = Giraffe nose catfish
TSN = Tiger shovelnose catfish
SAE = Siamese algae eater
CAE = Chinese algae eater
RN tetra = Rummynose tetra
RTBS = red tailed black shark
RFS = Redfinned shark (Close relative of RTBS but a bit nicer)
ZD = Zebra Danio
PD = Pearl Danio
GF = Gold fish (Not Girl friend)
WCMM = White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Cory, Cory's, Corries = Corydora
Harley = Harlequin Rasbora
STF = Siamese tiger fish
ATF = African tiger fish
PBass = Peacock bass
Tig = Meredontotus tigrinus
Sevs = Severums
O's = Oscars
SD's = Silver dollars

Fish Specific Terms:

F0 = Wild caught
F1 = Tank raised first generation and so on with the F numbers.
F5 = Last recorded breeding number from Wild Caught off spring
WC= Wild Caught
SA = South American


GSP = Green spotted Puffer
DP = Dwarf Puffer
F8 = Figure eight puffer
SM = South American puffer
MBU = Mbu puffer
CSP = Congo Spotted Puffer

Plecos et al:

BN = Bristlenose catfish (also BM= Bushy mouth)
Otto or Oto = Otocinclus.
Pleco or Plec = Plecostomus.
L-### are L numbers for the Loricariidae family (Plecos, Panaques, Ancistrus,
and Baryancistrus
Gibby - Gibeceps pleco


SFF = Siamese Fighting Fish (betta)
CT = Crown tail betta
VT = Veil tail betta
HM = halfmoon
DT = doubletail
DLT = Delta Tailed

Non Fish Species :

ACF = African clawed frog
ADF = African Dwarf Frog
BBS = Baby Brine Shrimp
ABS = Adult Brine Shrimp

Saltwater Terms :

FO=Fish Only
FOWL=Fish with live rock
FOWLR= Above plus Reef

Misc Aquatic Terms :

LFS = Local Fish Store
LPS = Local Pet Store
H2O = Water
RO (water) = Reverse osmosis water
AC = Activated Carbon
DOC = Disolved organic compund
GPH = Gallons Per Hour
CCF = Counter Current Flow
HOB = Hang On Back
UGF = Under Gravel Filter
MAC = Montreal Aquarium Society
NH4 or NH3 = Ammonia
NO2 = Nitrite
NO3 = Nitrate
PPM = Parts per Million
SG = Specific Gravity
MS = Marine Salts
BW = Brackish Water
FW = Fresh Water
SW = Salt Water
HITH = Hole In The Head (disease)
TFF = Tropical Fish Forums ( where you are now! )
GH - General hardness
KH - Karbonate hardness
DSB - Deep sand bed
CO2 - Carbon dioxide
GAL - Gallon
HO - Hi output flourescent light
SHO - Super Hi output flourescent light
VHO - Very Hi output flourescent light
RUGF - Reverse flow under gravel filter
HOBF - Hangs on back filter
UV - Ultra violet
DIY = Do It Yourself

General Internet Acronyms :

LOL - Laugh out loud
LMAO - Laughing my a** off
ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
ROFLMAO -Rolling on floor laughing my ar*e off
BTW - By the way
IMO - In my opinion
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion
IME - In my experience
FYI - For your information
OTOH - On the other hand
AFAIK - As far as I know
FWIW - For what it's worth
IOW - In other words
HTH - Hope this helps (or helped)
Ok, lets start with the common ones:

GSP = Green spotted Puffer
DP = Dwarf Puffer
F8 = Figure eight puffer
SM = South American puffer
MBU = er... Mbu puffer :p

BGK = Black ghost knife fish
CKF = Clown knife fish
ABF = African butterfly fish
PSG = Purple spotted gudgeon
BBG = Bumblebee goby
ATF = African tiger fish
RTC = Red tailed catfish
GN/GNC = Giraffe nose catfish
TSN = Tiger shovelnose catfish
BN = Bristlenose catfish (also BM= Bushy mouth)
SAE = Siamese algae eater
CAE = Chinese algae eater
RN tetra = Rummynose tetra

SFF = Siamese Fighting Fish (betta)
CT = Crown tail betta
VT = Veil tail betta

ACF = African clawed frog

There's loads more, but it's 4:30am and my brain's asleep. :shifty:
F0 is wild caught, F1 is tank raised first generation and so on with the F numbers.
Otto or Oto is short for Otocinclus.
Pleco or Plec is short for Plecostomus.
L-### (L-156 for example) are L numbers for Plecos and Panaques, which are closely related to Plecos.

If you ever venture into the saltwater area FOWLR is Fish Only With Live Rock.
Teelie said:
L-### (L-156 for example) are L numbers for Plecos and Panaques, which are closely related to Plecos.
..and ancistrus, and baryancistrus...etc.

The L-numbers are assigned to any Loricariidae family catfish.. that's what the 'L' in L-number means. ;)

The common name for any armoured catfish from the Loricariidae family is plec, pleco or plecostomus, although very few of them actually are of the species plecostomus.
True, though most are pleco or panaque that I've seen mentioned, that whole family confuses me. :lol:
AC=Activated Carbon
DOC=Disolved organic compund
CCF=Counter Current Flow

HOB=Hang On Back

MAC=Montreal Aquarium Society

FO=Fish Only
FOWL=Fish with live rock
FOWLR= Above plus Reef

CSP=Congo Spotted Puffer
RFS=Redfinned shark (Close relative of RTBS but a bit nicer)
ZD=Zebra Danio
PD=Pearl Danio
GF=Gold fish (Not Girl friend)
WCMM=White Cloud Mountain Minnow

F0=Fille Zero (WC)
P0=Parents in a test cross or hybridization (takes place of F0)
WC=Wild Caught
F1= Fille 1 (children of F0)
F5= Fille 5 (the last one recorded for purposes of breeding)
I've got another acronym!

RO water = Reverse osmosis water.

And another abbreviation:

Gibby - Gibeceps pleco.
Wow, way more than I'd have guessed.

Good stuff!

I'm going to merge all the posts to one master post once Im pretty sure we've done posting.

Ive learned lots today lol
Here's a head start for you. :D

  • BGK = Black ghost knife fish
  • CKF = Clown knife fish
  • ABF = African butterfly fish
  • PSG = Purple spotted gudgeon
  • BBG = Bumblebee goby
  • ATF = African tiger fish
  • RTC = Red tailed catfish
  • GN/GNC = Giraffe nose catfish
  • TSN = Tiger shovelnose catfish
  • SAE = Siamese algae eater
  • CAE = Chinese algae eater
  • RN tetra = Rummynose tetra
  • RTBS = red tailed black shark
  • RFS=Redfinned shark (Close relative of RTBS but a bit nicer)
  • ZD=Zebra Danio
  • PD=Pearl Danio
  • GF=Gold fish (Not Girl friend)
  • WCMM=White Cloud Mountain Minnow
  • F0 = Wild caught
  • F1 = Tank raised first generation and so on with the F numbers.
  • F5 = Last recorded breeding number from Wild Caught off spring
  • WC= Wild Caught
  • GSP = Green spotted Puffer
  • DP = Dwarf Puffer
  • F8 = Figure eight puffer
  • SM = South American puffer
  • MBU = Mbu puffer
  • CSP=Congo Spotted Puffer
Plecos et al:
  • BN = Bristlenose catfish (also BM= Bushy mouth)
  • Otto or Oto = Otocinclus.
  • Pleco or Plec = Plecostomus.
  • L-### are L numbers for the Loricariidae family (Plecos, Panaques, Ancistrus,
  • and Baryancistrus
  • Gibby - Gibeceps pleco
  • SFF = Siamese Fighting Fish (betta)
  • CT = Crown tail betta
  • VT = Veil tail betta
  • HM = halfmoon
  • DT = doubletail
  • ACF = African clawed frog
  • ADF = African Dwarf Frog
  • FO=Fish Only
  • FOWL=Fish with live rock
  • FOWLR= Above plus Reef
  • RO water = Reverse osmosis water
  • AC=Activated Carbon
  • DOC=Disolved organic compund
  • CCF=Counter Current Flow
  • HOB=Hang On Back
  • MAC=Montreal Aquarium Society
woot! That was quick Teelie!

Btw is that a Coelacanth as your avatar?

CFC is something (not the person lol) not sure what it stands for..

UGF = Under Gravel Filter

GPH = Gallons Per Hour

LFS = Local Fish Store

LPS = Local Pet Store

NH4 or NH3 = Ammonia

NO2 = Nitrite

NO3 = Nitrate

PPM = Parts per Million

SG = Specific Gravity

FW = Fresh Water

SW = Salt Water

HITH = Hole In The Head (disease)

TFF = Tropical Fish Forums ( )

DIY = Do It Yourself

wow I knew more than I thought lol
I think P0 will be important if we do get a hybrids section in the forum.

Also I have heard of SA=South Americans But never SM; SM(Sir Minion) Care to review?

Some more now

MS=Marine Salts

T barb=Tiger barb

DLT=Delta Tailed Betta

FW= Fresh Water
BW= Brackish water
SW= Salt water

LF= Long Finned

(LFS and LPS mabey aswell)


JD=Jack Dempsey cichlid
BR=Bolivian Rams
GR=Germain Rams

USDC=Upside Down Cats

I'll try to think of some more tommorow
So far the list goes :


SA = South American
T barb=Tiger barb
LF= Long Finned
JD=Jack Dempsey cichlid
BR=Bolivian Rams
GR=Germain Rams
USDC=Upside Down Cats
BGK = Black ghost knife fish
CKF = Clown knife fish
ABF = African butterfly fish
PSG = Purple spotted gudgeon
BBG = Bumblebee goby
ATF = African tiger fish
RTC = Red tailed catfish
GN/GNC = Giraffe nose catfish
TSN = Tiger shovelnose catfish
SAE = Siamese algae eater
CAE = Chinese algae eater
RN tetra = Rummynose tetra
RTBS = red tailed black shark
RFS=Redfinned shark (Close relative of RTBS but a bit nicer)
ZD=Zebra Danio
PD=Pearl Danio
GF=Gold fish (Not Girl friend)
WCMM=White Cloud Mountain Minnow

F0 = Wild caught
F1 = Tank raised first generation and so on with the F numbers.
F5 = Last recorded breeding number from Wild Caught off spring
WC= Wild Caught

GSP = Green spotted Puffer
DP = Dwarf Puffer
F8 = Figure eight puffer
SM = South American puffer
MBU = Mbu puffer
CSP=Congo Spotted Puffer

Plecos et al:
BN = Bristlenose catfish (also BM= Bushy mouth)
Otto or Oto = Otocinclus.
Pleco or Plec = Plecostomus.
L-### are L numbers for the Loricariidae family (Plecos, Panaques, Ancistrus,
and Baryancistrus
Gibby - Gibeceps pleco

SFF = Siamese Fighting Fish (betta)
CT = Crown tail betta
VT = Veil tail betta
HM = halfmoon
DT = doubletail
DLT = Delta Tailed

ACF = African clawed frog
ADF = African Dwarf Frog

FO=Fish Only
FOWL=Fish with live rock
FOWLR= Above plus Reef

LFS = Local Fish Store
LPS = Local Pet Store
H2O = Water
RO (water) = Reverse osmosis water
AC = Activated Carbon
DOC = Disolved organic compund
GPH = Gallons Per Hour
CCF = Counter Current Flow
HOB = Hang On Back
UGF = Under Gravel Filter
MAC = Montreal Aquarium Society
NH4 or NH3 = Ammonia
NO2 = Nitrite
NO3 = Nitrate
PPM = Parts per Million
SG = Specific Gravity
MS=Marine Salts
BW = Brackish Water
FW = Fresh Water
SW = Salt Water
HITH = Hole In The Head (disease)
TFF = Tropical Fish Forums ( where you are now! )
DIY = Do It Yourself

Still collecting :D
Undawada said:
woot! That was quick Teelie!

Btw is that a Coelacanth as your avatar?
I just copied/pasted and slightly modified all the previous posts. Yes and no to my avatar. It's a "mechacanth." An artist named Sorayama did it. I have a much larger 800x600 render of it but that's too large to post.


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