Aquarium Xmas


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
Does anyone expect any aquarium gifts this holiday?

I have purchased my 37 gallon set up for myself, but I think I will be recieving a 29 gallon set up for my gf mom.

What about you guys? :D
Lucky. You'd better get plans started now so you can get the tank cycled the moment you open the present(s) (the "(s)" because I wouldn't consider a gift you give yourself a gift :p).

No gifts here, what with not celebrating the holiday. :p
I'm hoping I get money that I can put toward buying a new tank ;)
I'm hoping to get money that I can put towards buying either a new tank, or stuff for my ten gallon which will soon be a betta tank :D. I'm gonna pamper the heck out of this betta. :hyper:
I've had a 36 gall set up with stand for Christmas this year :D Only thing is I had it 2 months ago :hyper:

Boyfriend still reckons he's going to wrap up each fish individually before I get up in the morning :sad:
i got my 55 gallon for christmas a week ago :D

I'm with nick. I got my entire setup as a "christmas" present. I just couldn't wait (told everyone how long it was going to take to cycle, etc.), so they gave it to me a month early.

Three days ago, was my fish tank's one-month anniversary. We celebrated with bloodworms. Mmmm.



P.S. Saving up for a 300 gallon tank. 1.8K saved up so far.

My fiance bought me a 40 gallon long, as a pseudo christmas present, great deal around christmas time. And I believe that there is one under the christmas tree right now. At least that's the only thing I can think of with a hexagon shape. My father built my stand for my 38 gallon, and I believe that they are getting me a canister filter for that one too. We'll see better in the morning though!
Not really aquarium, but I got a Canon PowerShot A95 digicam to take pics of my fish and dog.

I'm getting a 55g, filter, and heater on Monday or Tuesday. I got the stand last week.

I'm buying myself a compact flourecent fixture for my 29g right after the New Year.


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