Aquarium Stocking


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
ok in my 30g cube tank i would like

file fish - coral safe
garden eels
royal gramma

and one or two fish with the wow factor (any ideas?)

and i currently have 2 clowns and a dragonnet mandarin

any ideas for fish that are quite easy to keep in a reef which are out of the norm tank?
i want something special
im not a fan of eels and such like so i dont know much about them. But i would have thought adding everthign on the list may mean you overstocked.

What about a small puffer?
garden eels are a no-no i'm afraid. they require a sand bed of around 12 inches+.
depends which species of filefish but most get around 6 inches so i would of thought were a bit large for your tank?
how about either a coral beauty or a bi colour angel? both very nice!!
maybe at a push a kole tang?
kole tang is a definate no no in a small cube. Then need a length of 4 foot.

Bi-colour angel are quite sensitive, best to be added to a mature tank. Coral beauty would be ok though i think.
If you are gona go for an angel fish mate then howabout a flame angel or a flameback? they are both quite attractive... also do you plan on keeping corals in the tank?

i would always suggest getting some fairy or flasher wrasse as they are very active and colourful fish that always can bring the wow factor to any tank... :)
thanks guys and gals soo much you have helped greatly i think i will go with a puffer,(valentini) how big do they get?
If memory serves correctly, 8". Just wait for Ski or someone else like that to confirm it :good: I know they are usually coral safe, but I thought they were prone to going after mobile inverts? :unsure:

All the best
If memory serves correctly, 8". Just wait for Ski or someone else like that to confirm it :good: I know they are usually coral safe, but I thought they were prone to going after mobile inverts? :unsure:

All the best

Sorry, just can't resist any longer..........

Rabbut, I take it that is a man's 8 inches, which women call 4 inches :blush: :rofl:

Seffie x


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