Aquarium Near Window


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2012
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Hi all
I've recently upgraded to a 250L (55G) tank. The only place I could fit in in the room is in an alcove next to a window, the short edge of the tank stands a few inches across the edge of the window. pic attached. 
I live in the UK, so we don't get that many strong light days. The room is temperate in the summer and cool in the winter. I am confident that I won't experience over-heating issues and that the heater will keep it warm enough in winter. Infact we've just had a spell of -5C and the tank maintained 24-25C.
My concern as we approach lighter days is the possibility of algae growth. The window is south west facing. Meaning I get no direct light in mornings, direct light mid afternoon and then sideways light on an evening. The sideways light shines on the opposite wall to the tank.
I have wood blinds at the window, which I can tilt in an upwards direction to difuse the light. I also have curtains which I could draw, but would prefer not to.
Previously, when my smaller tank wasn't near a window, I only used to run my lights for about 6 hours and was planning to do the same with this tank.
I have 2 algae eating Bristlenose plecs and lots of live plants.
Aside from moving the tank (which is not an option) and the obvious water changing recommendations does anyone have any experience/suggestions about how to keep a healthy tank near a window?


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You pretty much got it yourself. The only thing you'll suffer from is algae and the bristlenoses will love it. So if you can stand the sight of it you shouldn't have any issues at all.
I would suggest having the side of the tank next to the window blocked with a sheet of card or something similar. I can see you have a blind there too so I'd keep the blind closed as much as possible to keep the algae levels down. However, as T says, your bristlenoses will have a feast every day. It's just whether 2 of them will be able to deal with the levels of algae you may get!
i think youll be ok with the bristlenoses. i actually have a ten gallon fully in front of a window and a single otto has been keeping its algae level under control now for 4 months. a few times ive seen patches, but they were gone the next day
as the BN geet older they dont eat as much algae any more or mine done anyway, plus if the algae is growing quicker than they can eat wont help :) if you can you can try and time your lights to be on during day light so it reduces the extended photo periode, also you could block out that window directly next to the tank?
thanks for advice and opinions. Its been in place for a month now and haven't had to wipe he glass yet. so looking good. Will see how it copes in the spring and summer, may have to tilt the blinds and draw one curtain on the very bright days
I made it through the summer, an outbreak of black beard algae late summer, which might or might not have been sunlight related. Flourish excel sorted it. The Bristlenose's are still munching away

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