

New Member
Jan 2, 2007
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This may seem like a bit of a ridiculus question as i have had tropical fish for quite a while but is there anyway or thing thing i can buy for my tropical tank lighting that will give it the glow of a marine tank.......was up in a local fish shop at the weekend and at a mates house and there was marine tanks in both and the lighting was immense.....the tank looked like it was day lit instead of false lighting......any help would be great.

Anything "daylight" - depends on what you are using at the momoent... flourescent fitting I presume ? "Powerglo" tubes are very "white"
Or you could go onto a small metal halide lamp, if you have the funds ! ;-)
Actinics are fine, I have used such a combination for a year now and no problems, I only have the actinic on for two to 3 hours around midday to simulate tropical midday for the fish because we don't live in the tropics, and even then I don't do it every day.

Don't be too quick to compare to a good marine setup though - they use at least 150 watts on even a small tank, often much more - I have seen Marine tanks with over a kilowatt of lighing - not a bill I would want and no mistake.

Just use a good daylight and an actinic if you really must have that 'white' light ... but take care ... not all tropical fish like such bright light !!

In a tropical tank we mostly only need light to see the fish - they couldn't care less, planted tanks may need a little light but not all plants need it - so many variables.

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