Aquarium has dents in the plastic


Mar 23, 2003
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My 4 gallon hex (I think it is plastic) has some dents in the corners of it. They're deep enough I can fit my fingernail in them, but no water is leaking. Is it safe to keep the tank filled with water? :unsure:
cutechic said:
My 4 gallon hex (I think it is plastic) has some dents in the corners of it. They're deep enough I can fit my fingernail in them, but no water is leaking. Is it safe to keep the tank filled with water? :unsure:
should be okay, but if you wanna go and get some of the aquarium sealant and put a little dab on them just in case, that stuff works great!
Olive said:
cutechic said:
My 4 gallon hex (I think it is plastic) has some dents in the corners of it. They're deep enough I can fit my fingernail in them, but no water is leaking. Is it safe to keep the tank filled with water? :unsure:
should be okay, but if you wanna go and get some of the aquarium sealant and put a little dab on them just in case, that stuff works great!
Do I put the sealant on the inside of the aquarium, on the outside the fill up the dents, or both? :*)
cutechic said:
Olive said:
cutechic said:
My 4 gallon hex (I think it is plastic) has some dents in the corners of it.  They're deep enough I can fit my fingernail in them, but no water is leaking.  Is it safe to keep the tank filled with water? :unsure:
should be okay, but if you wanna go and get some of the aquarium sealant and put a little dab on them just in case, that stuff works great!
Do I put the sealant on the inside of the aquarium, on the outside the fill up the dents, or both? :*)
are the dents on the outside? i am retarded and have's late...........
Olive said:
are the dents on the outside? i am retarded and have's late...........
Yes, the dents are on the outside, right on the corners of the aquarium. It looks like the plastic has been chipped somehow. :unsure:
cutechic said:
Olive said:
are the dents on the outside? i am retarded and have's late...........
Yes, the dents are on the outside, right on the corners of the aquarium. It looks like the plastic has been chipped somehow. :unsure:
Then I would just do it on the should be fine. Make sure you do it in a well ventilated area, it is stinky! :sick:
thecichlidaddict said:
The plastic trim is just for show, it has no actual structural integrity.
There isn't a plastic trim- the whole tank is made of plastic (I think). It's a really cheap plastic. Here's a pic from the Hagen website:


BTW, is there some substitute for aquarium sealant? Its really expensive at my lfs. I was thinking maybe a hardware store would have something that was aquarium-safe.
cutechic said:
thecichlidaddict said:
The plastic trim is just for show, it has no actual structural integrity.
There isn't a plastic trim- the whole tank is made of plastic (I think). It's a really cheap plastic. Here's a pic from the Hagen website:


BTW, is there some substitute for aquarium sealant? Its really expensive at my lfs. I was thinking maybe a hardware store would have something that was aquarium-safe.
do you have a chain petstore like petsmart or petco?
cutechic said:
Olive said:
do you have a chain petstore like petsmart or petco?
Yes, I have Petcetera and Big Al's Aquarium Services (the latter is my lfs).
It shouldn't be too expensive at petcetera..........or do you have walmart there? They usually carry it.
If not, let me know, I have some I am not using and I will send it to you... :D
Olive said:
It shouldn't be too expensive at petcetera..........or do you have walmart there? They usually carry it.
If not, let me know, I have some I am not using and I will send it to you... :D
I haven't looked at the prices at Petcetera and Walmart, but hopefully Ill have time to go this week and see.

Thanks for all your help, Olive- I really appreciate it :)
You can check at Home Depot. They carry aquarium safe silicon (labelled as such) for 2.97 which really isn't bad at all.
cutechic said:
Olive said:
It shouldn't be too expensive at petcetera..........or do you have walmart there?  They usually carry it. 
If not, let me know, I have some I am not using and I will send it to you... :D
I haven't looked at the prices at Petcetera and Walmart, but hopefully Ill have time to go this week and see.

Thanks for all your help, Olive- I really appreciate it :)
have you found any yet?
My parents still havne't found the time to take me (it's report-card time :rolleyes: ), so no, not yet.

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