Aquaone 850 Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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Does anyone have this tank?

If so id like to know about it.

Is it any good? Is the Tricle Filter do the job?
Are the tubes that are supplied any good for corals..
I know it has two daylights and a atinic already installed in the hood.

They are selling the tank for £170 at ma LFS. 45g's i think it holds (Imp)


As soon as i get the cash. Gonna get the bugga.

Im gonna use it as a Invert tank. with a copperband butterfly as my rock the tank i have is invested with Glass anemones. :crazy:

So if at least three people have there thumbs up on this one.. i'll go for it.
heya, are they t5 bulbs or like double length one and wots the wattage on them? If they were low wattage for say u can keep soft corals such as leathers, pulse coral etc.
i wouldnt have a copperband one bit ive had one once but at the time i was new to it too, and well it didnt eat and i had to take it to a shop as it gotick and didnt improve for a long time. But they are known for one of the hardest marines to keep.

But as for rock? U using live rock or like base rock?
Theres two daylights and one attinic.. T5's.

Im already set up with a tank. Just want a bigger tank to aquascape better. I use Live Rock yes. What i have is fully established.

Ive done alot of research on all the fish im getting.
Copperbands sometimes take awhile to adapt to tank life, the next time you buy one ask someone at your LFS to feed it. If it feeds ok, buy it!.

Reason im getting a copperband in the first place is because i have a glass anemone problem.
And copperbands are the only real fish that see these nastys as prey.

All i wanted to know is if this tank is a good buy!
well i wldnt see why not i supose but i wld be careful still with them only cos i dont wanna see u loose out on money :) but they are one of the nicest looking fish (as do most butterflys ) but NO they have to be in a FOWL lol it sucks! But as for price id say its really good deal!
One thing i think u should buy as i say to loads of ppl in the marine world :p b=a must buy is seachem purigen! it takes out the nitrogen cycle! i swear i might miss a water change and say dont do one for a month or a bit longer my stats are 0!
Some of the aquaone tanks are very nice. Does the one your looking at come with the cabinet? They have a good selection off wood finishes.
One draw back to the tanks i have seen is the depth. I think that may only be on the bigger tanks though like the 300-450ltrs.
I have a aquaone MH lumminaire and i had problems getting replacement bulbs for the PCs. They were a length that was not standard. So check that the T5 tubes are easy to get hold of.

IMO a copperband should not be housed in a 45gal. a 75gal tank would be more appropriate.

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