Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

Nov 14, 2010
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Pembrokeshire, Wales
Over the last two years i have run two very sucessfull tropical tanks. I now want a bigger challenge and have opted for marine. After alot of research and a medium budget i have got the aquamarine 900 for £450, I instantly loved the look of this tank and the size at 3ft was a perfect fit for my bedroom. I know people always say go big or go home especially with marine but since this is my 1st dip into the salty side of fishkeeping i thought id play it safe and go sit in the middle :hey:
This tank came with the marisys 240 series 2 filter and have had a few minor problems with it 1 being the extreme amount of gurging the hang on back overflow makes, so im going to change it as id rather a quieter canister filter and hang on back skimmer, however thats about the only con i personally could find with this tank the cabinet has alot of space and the timed t5 lighting unit is perfect for the Mixed reef tank i am dreaming of :)
Im already 5 days into my setup now though and i thought id write this journal for advice and just because id like to keep a log of the changes of my tank over the coming months/years.

so day 1: it took 2 hatchback with the back seats folded down to pickup my tank and 185 litres of RO water... i had the water in my car and i gotta say it was the scariest and funniest 15mile drive home ive ever had! :lol: i loved the look of my car with its £15 RO water lowering kit but i hated the fact that every time i turned i thought my car was leaking water lol and then there was the fact i couldnt keep my eyes on the road because my tank was in the car behind and my rear view seen more action in 15 miles than it has since i bought my bloody car lol. Took us a few hours to asemble and fill the tank with water and throw some salt in.

day 2: nothing special here apart from me staring at a tank of water for hours on end lol also putting my refractometer to use salt measured 1.015 time to add some more!

day 3: more salt!!!

day 4: salt measured at 1.025

day 5: LIVE ROCK DAY :hyper: so i go down to my LFS and hook myself up with some and heres the results

(have no idea why this pic is massive)

and thats the story so far :)

What's the lighting specifically?

Not a bad start. :)
Update 03/05/12: seems that some foreign contaminent has found its way into my filter (All pond solutions EF 2000) it kinda looks like paper or something similar looking when underwater, and theres bits everywhere now because of my flow rate and my powerhead sucking it in. This happened overnight which i cant understand :/ on a more cycle related note my live rock is starting to go green which means my cycle is kicking in?

Green? Do you have test kits to confirm where you are in your cycle?

So i did a test this morning with my old API Freshwater master test kit (as i was told by my LFS that would read the basic things until i could get some salifert test kits) and the results are as follows:
about 0.50ppm of ammonia
0.50ppm of nitrite
update! actual moving LIFE


Parallel to the end of my heater in a green patch on my rock is a lil thing just poking out and swaying in the flow, couldnt be any more excited by this right now!!

and the for the major dissapointment of the century, im thinking that after carfeul inspection its a glass polyp? :(
I id'd it for you in the invertebrate section. Hehehe, be disappointed. Aiptasia anemone.

update: 09/03/2012: Aiptasia-X came and i killed it! muahahahah
on a cycle related note even my sand is going brown now! looks well yucky :p anuther week and ill bring a test to my LFS and see if im ready for some turbo snails and hermit crabs :)

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