I recently bought the Brillux as a secondary back-up tank - it's one of those that came with everything - pump, heater, 2xlights, plant food, fish food etc.
Anyway, my query is regarding the hood that contains the lighting. I set the tank up and had the pump and air stone running but didn't bother with lights as there was nothing in tank apart from ornaments. The other night I lifted up the hood to readjust the thermostat and was shocked to see water literally dripping off the lights - the whole inside of the hood was covered in water droplets, all over the lighting/wires etc.
Well, suffice to say I am more than a bit worried. Surely this can't be right? I'm wondering if the manufacturers forgot to add a condensation tray or covering for the lights at the factory.
Thought I would ask on here to see if anyone has the same tank and can tell me what the inside of their tank hood looks like.
No way will I be testing out the lighting with it like that! Unless, of course, someone can confirm that it's meant to be that way and perfectly safe. I rang the shop where I'd bought it and she said she wasn't sure if that's how it was meant to be but that she'd sold quite a few and hadn't had any complaints before. I think I might have to go back and insist that she ring the manufacturer or her supplier.
Regards - Athena
Anyway, my query is regarding the hood that contains the lighting. I set the tank up and had the pump and air stone running but didn't bother with lights as there was nothing in tank apart from ornaments. The other night I lifted up the hood to readjust the thermostat and was shocked to see water literally dripping off the lights - the whole inside of the hood was covered in water droplets, all over the lighting/wires etc.
Well, suffice to say I am more than a bit worried. Surely this can't be right? I'm wondering if the manufacturers forgot to add a condensation tray or covering for the lights at the factory.
Thought I would ask on here to see if anyone has the same tank and can tell me what the inside of their tank hood looks like.
No way will I be testing out the lighting with it like that! Unless, of course, someone can confirm that it's meant to be that way and perfectly safe. I rang the shop where I'd bought it and she said she wasn't sure if that's how it was meant to be but that she'd sold quite a few and hadn't had any complaints before. I think I might have to go back and insist that she ring the manufacturer or her supplier.
Regards - Athena