aquaclear versus the rest

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I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
I think the basic performance of the different hob filters seem to explain there effectiveness quite clearly, an ac 300 is good for a 100 gallon tank, so why does a biowheel filter with 400 gph only handle a 80 gallon tank(emporer 400b), niether do any other hob filters get the same capabilities for the gph they all rate around the same

gph100/15gallon tank gph125/25gallons gph170/30gallons gph330/45gallons,

gph280/55 gallons gph400/80gallons

Ehiem liberty
gph100/20gallons gph150/35gallons gph200/50gallons

gph150/30gallons gph300/60gallons gph500/100gallons

gph100/20gallons gph150/30gallons gph200/50gallons gph300/100gallons gph500/150gallons

so generally when averaged penguin gets 6.304 (edit number changed wrong yesterday) gph to the gallon, emporer 5.037, tetratec 5 gph to the gallon, ehiem 4.286, and of course ac wins with the most acurate results due to most examples with 3.571. Numbers were averaged and divided rounded to the thousandth

So compare these only the ehiem comes close and the ac out prices all of them substantially ( I've seen 500's for 55 dollars) it's also simpler, meaning it has only one pump to maintain and no fancy biowheels to stop spinning
How can anything more expensive less efficient more complicated be justified? buying anything else just seems silly
I don't know, but my 2 canister filters filter 1300 litres/hour or 338 gallons/hour and I only have a 55 gallon. It's not that noticeable, the current, so I say go for the most you can :nod:
You work for Aqua Clear?


Sounds like an ad for them! I use mostly A.C. filters for hob. I've got a couple of oddballs I got cheap, even when I modify them by pulling the cartriges & putting in foam like an A.C. they don't perform any better. Some people swear by the bio-wheels, never had one to compare the A.C.s to.

vantgE said:
How can anything more expensive less efficient more complicated be justified? buying anything else just seems silly
Hi vantgE :)

That's a very good question! I agree with you. :thumbs:

Add to it the fact that there is a big chamber inside the AquaClear that you can fill with filter floss to increase its biological filtration capability, I don't know why anyone would want any other HOB filter.

The best price (US) that I found for a Aqua Clear 500/110 is $34.99 at PetSmart.

I don't really like the aqua clears they always leak or the motor would cease I prefer marinlands line of emperor and pengiun bio-wheels filtration plus I dont like foam for a mechanical filter i prefer filter floss but thats just me and on tanks bigger than 100 gallons I really don't prefer box filters that big I would rather use a wet dry or canister filter i just think that box filter are use less on a tank of that size. thats just me. but i do like there line of powerheads. :D

check this out
I don't work for ac honest, but I thought the pinned article was a little misleading about the benefits of a biowheel when they don't run the numbers against traditional filters, I like canister filters too and would use as a primary for anything over 75 gallons but they are to hard tom open up triweekly for carbon changes which I like so I keep a hob as well, acs are best for adding filter floss for mechanical filtration as well, and I have never heard of leaks breaking and I know that the motors are easy to repair in them, while more often peoples biowheels stop turning and all there biological power is gone, thats a great price too inch this is from a small local cichlid shop golds aquarium i believe
Is marineland the only company that makes bio wheel filters? if so I'll never have another-I'm having problems with both of my penguin filters (one is only a few months old) and have called and emailed. They haven't even read my email (I did a return receipt request) and they don't answer their phones (on hold forever). I will never again buy anything marineland other than things that aren't mechanical-and maybe not those either.
I love bio-wheels. Every time someone else buys one, it leaves 1 more AC on the shelf for me to buy!

i have 2 penguins and haven't had any problem. although i've only had one for 6 months (a mini on my 10 gal) and the other for less than 1 month(125 on my 20 gal). i thnk they are great! :D
but so what if it still works after six months my ac works after a year and I know of much much longer hear 10+years, but the filter you bought is more expensive less eficient and less powerful than a competeing ac
i use one of each on my 46 gallon bowfront (i think an aquaclear 300 and penguin 125/150? something like that i think) and a cheap powerhead for circulation of all 3 worlds :thumbs:
I run an AC 500/110 an Emperor 400 on my 55g. I'd have to say, that the Emperor probably collects my waste.

My first filter was an Emperor 280, and it's been problem-free for the 6 years I've owned it.

My biggest complaint from about Emperors is the noise. They seem to be louder than ACs. Plus, they gasp when turned down to their lowest settings, whereas ACs work great at their lowest setting. I run an AC 200/50 on all 3 of my 10g tanks, and I'm quite pleased with them.

Personally, I doubt I'll buy another bio-wheel filter because they create too much surface movement, which isn't good for live plants.
As soon as I get some $$ I'm getting new AC filters for both of my tanks. I went to the lfs today for a new heater and was talking to the guy that works there. I told him that I had trouble with my penguins and that I couldn't get ahold of marineland to get support and he said he had the same problem trying to get support for a brand new marineland millenium filter. So I decided to just get AC ones if my penguins hold out that long. Now to go scour my house for stuff to sell on ebay....

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