Aquaclear Filter Questions.

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Jun 16, 2003
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I just got a new Aquaclear 50 for my 37g as a second filter (Whisper 60 is the other).

Some questions/curiousities...

Why does it come with two end tube extensions? Not sure I see the point. I thought it would come with one end tube and a middle extension if you want your intake lower. Not sure why one would want or need two end tube sections. And do they even sell middle extensions? Whispers come with an assortment of extensions so you can customize your intake depth.

Other than that, I really like the design of the media basket. Right now I have the Foam sponge at bottom, carbon in middle, and biomax at the top. once the carbon is used up, i'll replace that with a second foam sponge.

Secondly, I'm curious about pH buffer inserts. I have mbuna. Would I just buy a small bag of crushed coral or something like that? if so, how would i bag it up. panty hose? . Any ideas, let me know. Thanks!
One of those IS your extension tubes. Take your pick and use the other one as your bottom tube. The reason they probably do that is its probably cheaper to dedicate one molding machine to the extension AND bottom intake tubing instead of two seperate machines. That's my guess anyway.

If it bothers you, you can take a knife or scissors and cut the strainer off of the one that you want to be your extension tube. That's what I did, as I didn't want to impede any flow.

I've had just about every brand of HOB filters there are and Aqua Clear has the best designed HOB filters there are in the whole industry AND for the best price. :good:

oops...forgot to answer your second question.

The answer is yes....get you some crushed coral and place it in some pantyhose and drop it in on top of everything else. :good:
Crushed coral buffers PH? Does it just keep it stable or does it raise it to a point?
It raises it to a point and stays there. I don't know how much say a handful would raise your ph but a few handfuls in the filter on my 55 gallon when I had african cichlids raised my ph to 8.0. Be careful using too much too fast if you already have fish in there, though. Mine raised too fast, my clown loaches broke out with ich....and every fish in the tank got ich. It was cured but still its not something that's fun to have happen.

I would say put a handful in there and see what it does first....then if not enough....another handful, and so on.
One of those IS your extension tubes. Take your pick and use the other one as your bottom tube. The reason they probably do that is its probably cheaper to dedicate one molding machine to the extension AND bottom intake tubing instead of two seperate machines. That's my guess anyway.

Thanks Iron Man, didn't occur to me that perhaps they had just cheaped out providing two of the same tubes instead of two different ones. This morning I used a razor to cut the end off the one and extended the tube, much better. Wouldn't have done it without you! Cheers!
No problem. :good:

I had been told more than once to expect two bottom tubes instead of an extension and a if I wanted, be prepared to cut the strainer off what I wanted to be the I was prepared when I bought it. No problem and no worries.....still a great filter that I wouldn't trade for anything. :D

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