AquaClear 802 Power Heads


New Member
Nov 2, 2003
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I have recently Set up my 115g Tank and added an Under Gravel Filter with 2 802 Power Heads...

The Problem is... I think It's TOO much flow... there is a LARGE Spray of Bubbles Coming out on Both Sides, and The Fish Seem to be getting Tossed about a bit...

Not Good... :no:

Anyone have any Ideas on Toning Down the Flow? Or Should I Downgrade my Power heads?
Not sure what fish you have but if they're being blown around I guess it doesn't matter much. lol

You've probably already done this but just incase- turn them down to their lowest setting and point them against the glass. I have mine against the sides of the tank so as to give a whirlpool effect and pushes the water around in a circular motion.

If that is already being done and is too much, you might have to downsize.

Okay... I just got home.. and one of my BRAND new 802's isnt working.. It seems to have Seized up..

Any ideas on what may have caused this?

I JUST bought it 4 days ago...

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