
The middle one is BEAUTIFUL!! :drool:
I guess it depends on the fish and what you plan to do with them. If you're serious about breeding and showing bettas, you'll be more willing to fork out the dough for a more expensive pair, so that you will have a better chance of getting some show quality stock from them, or fish that will bring in a good profit for you when you go to sell. If you just looking to spawn and sell on the side, or give away (for the experience of breeding), spending the big bucks isn't really necessary. It all depends on your focus, and your budget. Its okay to start out on a smaller scale and with less expensive stock. It would be awful to spend a large amount of your money on your first spawning pair, only to have one of them die in the process. Starting out with a less expensive pair is the way to go, especially if you're on a budget .

Now, I can be a cheap-skate, I'm willing to spend $40, $50, $60, maybe even up to $80, but only if I'm getting a pair, not a single fish. For a single male, depending on the fish, I'd probably only go $30 or $35, for single females, less. For wild-type bettas, it all depends on the species. The next species I'm looking to get have been running about $40 for a pair, which I'm more than willing to fork out when I have the space, as my focus is mainly on wild-types and building up a good SMP stock.
While I would like to breed from them it isn't a priority. I just fell in love with them, and Kacey (my daughter) fell head over heels for the marble CT. Obviously I'm in a position to be able to spend that much on them, where others cannot. It doesn't mean cheaper bettas are horrid because they most certainly are not! My fella is a veiltail and I love him dearly. I'd love him to be a daddy too with my CT girl but last time they were introduced she first tried to beat him up then ran away scared so....bygones. :rolleyes:
Thanks Ethos. I thought so too when I saw him. An absolute stunner. :wub:
:shifty: yeah... having spent $100 on my pair, including shipping, I must seem insane. I'm actually very happy with my pair. They're super beautiful, healthy, they eat anything and everything, and they both were awesome parents with AMAZZING nest care. 350 fry is not too bad for a pair that is spawning for it's first time ;). I do believe that my pair will pay for themselves after selling all of the beautiful fry they produced... so, for breeders, I do not think a $100 pair is unreasonable. Only Bettas that are worth that much should be spawned, IMHO.

I don't think it's crazy to spend $50-100 or more on a Betta that you really, really love, even as a pet. I plan to have these fish for 3 or more years to come. I think most people spend over $50 on a pair of jeans that they will not be wearing next year, much less 3 years from now. It's also a fact that out of an entire, costly spawn, there might be only ONE pair that is worth $50. In respect to all of the work that is put into spawning and raising a really high quality Betta, $50 is not that bad!
^I agree. I think it is almost impossible to make money out of breeding fish, which is why I'd never try. :lol: After all the time, money and energy spent on making the spawn successful there's no way you're gonna make enough to cover costs. Unless you were really going into it on a large scale and constantly spawning bettas for those demanding them, or for regular mass buyers. And then I would see all the joy going out of it. All credit to those that breed these beautiful creatures for the rest of us but, to me, that's not what it's all about.
Erg...I can't wait to see what I produce out of my breeding! I can'ty wait to watch them transistion from ugly ducks to beautiful swans!
I paid $82 for the red OHM in the bottom left of my signature at an IBC auction. They had two of his brothers too and they both went for over $100. It was insane. Macrostoma can run upwards of $250 a piece and if I had more confidence in wilds I'd be more then willing to drop it. Something about wilds though...I swear they look at me with hatred :-( i suppose the splendens do too, but it's just a show :p

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