aquabid warning


Jul 22, 2004
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stay away from her.. she doesnt reply to emails.. and she lies and lies and lies..

shes been trying to steal my money for about a month now..

do not deal with her or you will be sorry
she keeps telling me shes sending batches of fish and they mysteriously go missing and she never finds out what happens to them.
It's been what, a month since you ordered the original shipment of bettas? :huh: Have you reported her to aquabid? -_-
yea im pretty angry about it.. she mysteriously went on a holiday for a week the day bacth 3 was supposed to be sent.

she gets back tuesday tomorrow...

ill wait to hear what she says.. no matter what she says the reply will be..

ive received no fish.. and i want my money back.

if she tries to be a fool and deny money back.. ill report her to aquabid, paypal, and the ohio police.
Pay pal will do nothing

Ohio Police will do nothing

Aquabid will maybe do something

the USPS will do something if it was over 25 dollars and mail fraud charges can be brought against them. look into it.
PayPal should refund you, Ive had a chargeback against me (not my fault though, the buyer used someone else's credit card & then 6 months later I got $50 taken out of my account...), and I have filed one myself. I forget where you go on the site, I called them up & they emailed me all the info I needed.
its being cleared up.. still not 100% sure about her tho.. the story doesnt all add up.. but she claims to have shipped new ones and gave me 2 #s to give to the post office so i can track them

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