Chaos bringer

New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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Aqua babies is a craze sweeping north america. They are four fish and a plant in a 4 inch cube of water the fish inside are anything from zebra danios and tetras to male bettas and lobsters this is extremely cruel as the fish barely survive as they cannot grow to their natural size and suffer weird side effects from having no filter system. It personally makes me feel sick. Surely you agree this is an evil trend please contact me if you agree!
I believe there is a whole looong topic on these in the Betta section. And this isn't exactly an emergency, is it?
It's hard to belive that people would seriously think a fish could survive in a little thing like that, and harder to belive that they would spend 40 pounds on it. I built a sucessful 10 gallon planted aquarium that literally runs itself for less than that.
Most people are operating under a few misconceptions:
- Fish are decorations or toys
- Fish can't suffer, feel fear, or feel pain
- Fish can survive in poor conditions
- Fish are only supposed to live a few weeks or months (as these ones in the cubes undoubtedly would)

So, you can't particularly blame the consumers so much as the irresponsible LFS, pet stores, etc. who sell these products. While owners should do research about their future pets, very few do, and those who do are often mislead by people they feel are knowledgeable.

Though this isn't quite an emergency.
This isn't a "new" craze, per say - back in the mid 90's, Aqua Babies were all the rage. Target carried them, Walgreen's carried them, they sold like NUTS.

I worked at a bar while I was in college, and one of the gentlemen who hung out in the bar a lot bought into the AquaBabies franchise. All I can say is that he got SEVERELY rich, very fast. He sold out of the franchise he owned just before everyone stopped buying them and Target stopped carrying them. The WORST thing about these things is that the piece of "decorative rock" that was placed into the tank was actually a big ol' hunk of broken glass that had been discarded from factories/industry.

Back then, however, the combination in the tank was a teeny guppy-type fish, just one, a small snail, a live plant sprig and some "special" gravel in the bottom, along with the big hunk o' glass.

Lord, I HOPE they're not making a comeback.
SICK. :sad:
See, I would be tempted to buy that if I were stupid.
That's the problem with these things... people who know absolutely nothing about fish think the little tank is cute, and believe the sellers when they say the fish can survive in it. Tsk tsk. :no:
i remember they sold a small plastic cube with a frog or some fish in it, with a snail. they had removable lids though. i bet all of you would sell this if you knew you would make millions

Edit: i acually wanted one of those when i was little, i think it was 1995 or something when i saw it in walgreens and target, they were 10 dollars, good thing my mom didnt let me buy it :D
yes, there was a thread about this

its extremely horrible how they get the fish into the thing...they pour a betta into the little hole with a funnel...

Wow, those are horrible.
And, no, I would not sell anything like that even if I were 100% certain it would make me filthy rich. To me, saving lives and treating other creatures right is WAAAY more important than any amount of money that could ever be offered. For those who would sell these in order to get rich, I am very sorry you think like that. Hopefully you won't allow your life to be destroyed by money and material things :no:
well, think of it this way, you wont have to work for the rest of your life, and your childrens children wont have to work. and no, money will not destroy my life cause its not that important to me yet. if you want to treat other creatures the right way, dont put them in fish tanks, dont drive cars and dont use shrimp or fish based fish food

Edit: i hope nobody gets mad or offended by this post, if i does, just forget everything i said

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