Aqua Start 320 Purple Almost New Boxed £20

My other half still thinks ours were 'accidents'!
Oooh Im a sly one, but Im sure Im due another slip up. Our prob is we only have a 2 bed house, and in neg equity so cant move anytime soon.
And hun, seriously, I had a phobia of needles, to the point where I tried hypnosis, but the best cure was contractions. Trust me, you will have anything you poss can, you wont bat an eyelid.
Phobia of needles is normal!! Nothing like the phobia of labour pain though lol!! I had epi's with both mine, first was needed, 54hrs of labour you know there's only so much a girl can take - I had to have an epi and didn't give a poop about the needle after 32hrs of pain!!

2nd was completely planned and voluntary to avoid any labour pains at all lol, epi first, then got induced, 6hrs of labour with absolutely NO pain til the last push lmao when the epi wore off ;)

Yes I need another baby too, been broody for a year :(
Right Im off to bed, cuz in exactly 9 hours a 2 year old is going to peel my eyelids back, say mummy very loudly, and tell me she needs a wee. Dontcha just love em :wub:
Night all x
Awwww..... Sweet dreams :)
Im off to make Stus sandwiches for work and watch Big Brother :crazy:
See you tomorrow :good:
Yey sold to Amy! Cheers hun, and sorry this was a mad house when you arrived! PM me your paypal addy remember x
Not to worry :)
Nice turtle BTW :p
I have managed to set it all up now so all I got to do is add water and hope for the best :)
great little tanks i have one set up as a small marine pico tank with inverts only in, bargain for £20

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