Always look on the bright side of life..
I know what you mean!!!sorry for the flame its just this is starting to be a stressful hobbie and i havent even started the tank yet. I will look very hard and i will not use the tap water.
I have had a tank for just 6 months and I almost chucked it in last month: My damn tank has evolved into a damn BGA (Algae) and snail breeding tank. I would come on to this forum to vent some angst & then see people's posts of their beautiful and seemingly effortless tanks and that would just make me worse...
But in those 6 months I have learnt a lot.
So I would sat that if you are getting stressed NOW..... Jezzz. But at least you have found this forum par-excellance first!!!!
Lynden may occationally say the wrong things sometimes but he is staggeringly knowlegable for a 14(?) yr old kid!