Aqua Plus?


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
just cureous but does the aquaplus do what it says on the bottle, it says it dechloirnates and removes HM heavy metals. Is this true?
LOL that was quick. Here in england its hard to get ahold of RO water and my mum is againsed a RO system. I ws going to get distilled but the shop dosent sell it and i dont want to be lugging 10gallons From far away. So i was just thinking if i could use this instead. MY tank is a 12 ish (NANO) FOWLR, and i dont want a build up of metals in my tank. So if it get rid of them could i use this instead?
To get rid of metals, yes. But nutrients (phosphates, nitrates, silicates, ect.) would be left untouched. Running a tank using only tap water is certainly possible, but algae blooms will be more likely and more frequent.


P.S. I find it rather hard to believe that it's difficult to get RO water in England :lol: I get mine from the grocery store. The town I live in has a population of less than 12 000, and it's a 5-9 hour drive to get to a city with more than 60 000 people.
Since you live in the US how would you know. We dont get the same things. Incase you dont know the uk and us are to different places. sorry that made me seem like i am lieing and now people arnt going to take this searously now so thanks
Hey, I live in the UK, and still take you seriously. There is nothing youc an do if England is a developing country. Chill :)

In the UK you might want to try Maidenhead Aquatics, they have stores all over and do RO for £7 per 25litres. Halfords does distilled water too, but its more expensive. That said, given the costs, its much more "efficient" to buy a RO unit.

Additives will bind with heavy metals in your water. Problem is, thats precisely where they will stay, in your tank. The chemicals bind with the heavy metals and (depending from what chemical/metal is beidn bound) they will either precipitate in solid form, and react to form a different material (usually an oxidisation of the metal). Though this will render them fairly harmless, more sensitive corals, shrimps and invertebrates will NOT like it.

A second problem is provided by the other things present in British water. What you want to add to your tank is H20+Salt+Minerals (in a controlled fashion). British water has ludicrous amounts of minerals (thats why its so hard that people around London call it Liquid Rock). From Thamves Valley Water:
Soft water particularly reacts with the lead pipe work, hard water such as that supplied in the Thames regions does not readily dissolve lead from the pipe work, hence levels are low and exceedences of the standard are very rare.

As the water pipes are so old in most of England (it used to be a fully developed and industrialised country once upon a time... remember?) and haven't been replaced; water companies found out that the lead was wearing off into the drinking water of their clients. Poisoned clients end up dead or dying, and as such can't pay their bills. Thats not a good thing, now is it? Solution? change the pipes? No way, too expensive. Just add a brew of chemicals that will readily bond to the lead pipes, thus coating them with a sulphate (or carbonate, depends on what is added). What happens to the chemicals that don't bond? Well, they will end up in your tank (and your stomach if you trust tap water in England). These chemicals are NOT metals (heavy or otherwise), and as such, wont be affected by additives...

Some places will even deliver the water to your door... How much easier can it get? Alternatively, if you need materials to convince your mother to get an RO unit, simply put a large pan of water on the stove. Place a glass pane (or plate) a few cm's over the top at an angle, and a cup/bowl on the side. The water will evaporate, condense on the glass/plate and drip into the bowl. Do this once or twice, and all of a sudden RO is a better idea.

One VERY important rule about fishkeeping though. Relax :) This is a relaxing hobby, don't flame people trying to give advice, or you wont get ANY advice. Lynden, have a hug ({); remember, yust because he thinks youre from the US doesn't mean he understands the difference between USA and Canada... Betta5... don't EVER compare a Canadian to an American from USA. Its like saying Irish, Welsh, Scottish are all English...

In the UK you might want to try Maidenhead Aquatics, they have stores all over and do RO for £7 per 25litres. Halfords does distilled water too, but its more expensive. That said, given the costs, its much more "efficient" to buy a RO unit.


does that price include container?
that is quite expensive even for england
i get mine for £3.00 for 25l
No, £7 is for a refill only. £7.50 if you want them to add dosed minerals to it for you. With a plastic jug, its £13-something (can't remember the precise number, it was a thing I noticed the other day while in the shop)
sorry for the flame its just this is starting to be a stressful hobbie and i havent even started the tank yet. I will look very hard and i will not use the tap water.
Well think u got the price for ro water from maidenhead wroung there, all the stores I have used (which is alot of them) charge £3.50 or £4 with minerals. Its more if you have salt already added.
Well think u got the price for ro water from maidenhead wroung there, all the stores I have used (which is alot of them) charge £3.50 or £4 with minerals. Its more if you have salt already added.

£7 is with Salt added. I assumed the salty option given the fact that this is in the marine section.
sorry for the flame its just this is starting to be a stressful hobbie and i havent even started the tank yet. I will look very hard and i will not use the tap water.

Keeping a marine tank is stressful.. if you don't do it properly.... and even then it has its fair share of stress!! I am in the UK, and every petshop / fish shop I know - even garden centres.... sell RO. Where exactly are you?

I wouldn't personally even attempt a marine tank unless you can do it with RO water, there are alot of problems you can't prevent, but some things you can, and RO water gives you a good start.

Good Luck.
I live in dulwich in london its in the east. I will ask at a garden center about 30 mins away. I will get my dad to carry it LOL
I live in dulwich in london its in the east. I will ask at a garden center about 30 mins away. I will get my dad to carry it LOL

Maybe your Mum could be persuaded about the RO unit? They don't take much plumbing and they're not huge things... they sit under the sink, out of the way, and much, much cheaper than buying RO water every couple of days.
I told her and she was like,
Can you turn them off?
If no what happends when you run out of you like 75GPD?
i dident know what to say.

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