Aqua Plants


Fish Addict
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
New York, NY
Thought I'd write up a list of all the Aqua Plants that are sold at those giant pet stores, in case any one of you buys one and wants to know whether or not you got ripped off. The list I believe is complete (or close to it), but I haven't gotten all the scientific names down yet. The list is split between aquatic and non-aquatic in alphabetical format. I'll be updating this post as needed.

Make sure to check the plant for signs of decay if you ever decide to buy one. Being stuck in a tube with little water and light can take it's toll.

Other notes:
- They usually have a blue label that reads "Aqua Plants", but I've noticed Petco has recently co-branded them in a white label.
- Tubes come in three sizes - Small, Medium and Large.
- Each tube usually contains 2-3 plants.
- Certain plants are only available in certain tube sizes. For example, the Ozelot is not available in Small.

If you ended up with a non-aquatic, most of them do well in a terrarium or as a houseplant. Or you could just return it.


Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus)
Not the same as Echinodorus Bleheri, this species grows thinner and longer leaves. Tolerates low light quite well, does better in medium or better.

Compacta (Hygrophila corymbosa 'compact')
Grows slower and stays smaller than other Hygros. Requires medium light.

Ozelot (Echinodorus ozelot)
A reddish, spotted Amazon Sword. The patterning I believe does not go away even if kept in lower light.

Tropica Fern (Microsorum pteropus)
Better known as Java Fern.

Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)
A common Hygro species which can get quite big. When grown emersed, it's leaves take on a different form.

Not Aquatic

Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei)

Aqua Fern / Borneo Fern (Trichomanes javanicum)
If you want to get this look in your tank, the African Fern (Bolbitis heudelotti) looks similar, and is a true aquatic.

Argentine Sword

Borneo Sword (Aglaonema simplex)


Giant Papyrus

Gold Ribbon (Dracaena variegatus)
Commonly sold as Lucky Bamboo. Not aquatic, and strangely enough, not a bamboo either.

Kyoto (Ophiopogon japonica)
Commonly known as Mondo Grass.

Peacock Fern

Pongo Sword / Pongot Sword

Umbrella Palm / Umbrella Plant

White Ribbon (Dracaena sanderiana)
Commonly sold as Lucky Bamboo. Not aquatic, and strangely enough, not a bamboo either.
okay, that made sense, I bought a whole bunch of aluminum plants a while back, and they started dying with leaves falling off gradually...

Why do they even bother to sell those non-aquatic plants anyways? with them submerged in water.


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