Aqua One Or Jebo Aquariums - Any Good?

I have 3 zebra danios, 3 white clouds, 2 swordtails and 2 cories who all get along great. I originally had a couple dwarf gouramis but they squabbled alot (very territorial) so wouldn't advise doing that - I certainly learnt my lesson. I then moved them to my 180l where they then killed my 4 females gouramis i put in there so they went back to lfs. But the occupants i've got now get along just fine now. I've got mine in the kitchen, so it is really easy to maintain by just syphoning straight into the sink. i do find that that the smaller tank gets "dirtier" quicker than the bigger tank and at the beginning i struggled reordering the new carbon cartridges locally and ended up ordering them off the net but their a lot more available now than before.

Hi, what cories do you have in there? They are the cutest fish out there!

How often do you clean the AR380? I know that small tanks are harder to keep clean so I was worried that I would need to change the water 2-3 times a week!

As for the carbon cartridges, how often do you need to replace them and are they expensive?

I have no idea for sydney aquarium groups - ask at the LFS when you go in - I found out about the canberra one because one of the employees at my LFS was a member of the Canberra aquarium society.

Also - try contacting the cichlid group - they may know of others in the area. Checkout local classifieds sites too - the Canberra one advertises it's monthly fish auctions on

My cardinals are growing slowly - biggest is around 4 cm I think. I got my bristlenose with my first tank (second hand) so I don't know how long it took to get to it's current size, but my partners mum has one that has reached around 7-8 cm in 6 months or there abouts.

I lost a few cardinals when i got them - my first batch was 10 fish, lost 2, then got 12, and have since lost another 4 (i think) - both batches went in to a well established tank though which seems to have helped them. I need to update my sig as I think there are only 16-17 now - it's hard to count them.
Thanks for the replies.

shereezy, what stocking do you have in your AR-380? I was just curious as 38L doesn't seem to be much for holding a lot of fish. I was thinking a shoal of rummynoses (say 6-8) and 3-4 cories at the bottom, do you think this is over-stocking?

Michael, thanks for the offer, don't worry about finding the place up, I'll check out the LFS around here, i'm sure i'll find some places with good prices.

Hi Michael - is maintenance really easy with the top filter that came with the tank? The AR-980 looks brill and $650 for the tank + stand is a good deal. Can't believe the massive price variance though, did u end up getting from a LFS in Canberra?


The AR380 is actually 34 Litres. The small tank i have is the 320, it has an undergravel filter. I reckon its an excellent tank! Although im not too keen on under gravel filters

Maintenance is a breeze - once every month or so, just rinse out the media in tank water and put it back in - only takes a couple of minutes.

I got mine from an LFS in Canberra - in the Woden area. I'll look the name up if you want it, but I don't go there often as there fish are expensive with limited range.

A friend of mine (who is an occasional visitor to these forums) has the AR-850 from the same place. They paid around $550 from memory for that.

I see in your sig that you have cardinal tetras, bristlenose and harlequins amongst other beautiful fish - I was just wondering how much the cardinals, bristlenose and harlequins cost you?

Here in Sydney, pretty much most LFS sells the cardinals for $5-$7 AUD each and harlequins are actually hard to find, but they go for about $4 each too, and thats factoring the quantity discount too.

With bristlenose, I can't find any LFS that sell them at any other size other than juveniles (2-3cm).
My daughter has a 380 and I clean it out once a week. I do not buy the replacement carbon cartridges as I just ripped off the old filter floss that is glued to the plastic tray, empty the old carbon and pour some new carbon in. I then cover the tray with some filter floss. I replace the carbon every 2 weeks and the tank is crystal clear.

By not buying the plastic carbon trays it saves me money and the environment (throwing plastic in the bin which gets dumps in a land fill) :good:

I have found the pump rattles which I cannot do anything about but apart from that, these are cracking (excuse the pun) little tanks for people like my 5 year old daughter to start with. I was even thinking of creating a little saltwater nano using one of these tanks
when i got my 380 the instructions mentioned that the carbon cartridges need changing every 8 weeks. Their usually about £7/8 for 3 so not really that expensive over here. I used to clean the tank 2/3 times a week but in fact this seems to stress the fish alot. i only do it now about every 10 days ish now it has matured and they seem a lot more settled. By this time the brown algae is just starting to build up. I'm currently looking for some otos (I have them in the big tank and they are great little algae eaters) but apparently theres a problem with the farm so i'll just have to wait for the time being.
What i meant to say in my previous post was: The AR380 is actually 34 Litres. The small tank i have is the 320, it has an undergravel filter. I reckon its an excellent tank! Although im not too keen on under gravel filters.

The numbers in Aqua One tanks usually mean the width of the tank, some are in millimeters, some are in centimeters. Im not sure why though. an example is, The 320 is actually 320mm wide (or 32cm), where as the 120 is not 120mm but 120cm (1200mm). So the 120 is bigger than the 320.

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