Aqua One Ar850

New Tankmates:

Got a pair of German Blue Rams, finally !!!


Another pic.....aren't they adorable?
On the third day in their new home, the pair spent all morning in the back of the tank moving the gravel around to make about a 3 inch in diameter hole. I was thinking....what in the heck are they doing????

Then, the female spent all afternoon and evening laying eggs in the "construction site". Here is a picture of her laying an egg:
(Sorry about the blurry quality. Hard to take a pic in the back of the tank.)

Has anyone ever heard of a Ram laying eggs so quickly after being put in a tank??? I thought it would take months before they felt comfortable enough to breed????? I am amazed, to say the least!

To continue the story.....after about 3 or 4 hours of egg-laying, the male decided to stop doing his "dance" over the eggs as they were laid. Instead, he began to eat them. The female got annoyed with him and chased him away, but she finally gave up and let him eat them. I think she may have eaten some herself. I couldn't watch anymore.

Is this normal??? Maybe they are still a bit young??? Do you think they will continue this behavior, or will their parenting instincts kick in at some point???

I am sure the eggs are all gone, because she is no longer guarding the "nest"........ :blink: :angry:

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