Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong but ALWAYS certai
Hi, been running an AquaOne 850 for a while. Made a few mods on the canopy filter mechanics that may interest owners or prospective buyers. Firstly took out the expensive to replace carbon filter panels for later use. Put in thicker foam media and increased the pitiful amount of supplied "noodles". Also added a thick wad of that fine white media from the pond section. Works great for me. Now then, the best tip I can offer is cut a piece of coarse media slightly larger than the chamber where the water returns into the tank. If you then push it down into place over the hole it kills the "Venturie Action" and ,hey presto, an almost silent tank. Also a little extra bacteria home. You must use coarse as you must not restrict the return flow. Of course, you may just like the sound of a waterfall in which case ignore my ramblings!