Ok after much messing about my first attempt at this tank is done. Actually it's my fist attempt at
doing a planted tank from 'scratch' rather than setup a 'fish' tank and add plants as an afterthought !
It looks nothing like I expected and there are still a few things to tidy up, but the pics should give
you an idea.
The water is still a bit cloudy, (only just finnished planting)but hopefully should clear up soon,
I have a 9w UV steriliser that goes it the tank at night, and out when the lights are on.
The filter is an Eden 501 external filter (upto 60L)
Plants used:
Glosso = Rear right
Scirpus cernuus - Slender club rush = Rear left <-
marginal plant (bit of an experiment !)
HC = Foreground, right and centre
Anubis bart v. nana 'petite' = Centre next to right bogwood
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis = Left fore/mid ground (also on right between rock and bogwood)
Christmas moss = left hand bogwood
Java fern = left hand bogwood
Hydrocotyle verticillata = Left foreground / centre rear
Water lettuce = floating plant
Whole tank:
Surface view:
I want the Glosso and HC to spread out and form carpets.
I'm a little stuck as to what to do between the two bogwoods, the left side of the gap gets a decent amount
of light and I'm trying to get the HC to spread into this, but the left side is quite dark.
I dont want to block off the gap totally as it gives some depth to the tank.
Appreciate any feedback !
Mr G
Note: The Aqua One sticker will be removed - I didnt realise I'd left it on .... spent all day looking 'into' the tank !!