April Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

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Ruskull said:
Wow, they look like they have Marine coloration.  
They refuse to eat anything but blackworms, and they happened to be in the mood. A lucky combination for coloration, as well as this blue T5 light really brings out their blue coloration. The only downside is that I only see my little man two days every other week. Right after I put his man cave in yesterday, they both jump in and I haven't seen either of them since.
frapadoodle said:

As an Aussie, you question a reason to get drunk?
What a rude stereotype!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........If only it wasn't true 
Being only the third generation removed from Ireland... I am allowed stereotypes.
Besides working on an oilcan now.

Back to topic, never been one for killis but, great googledy moogledy!
Caught a seahorse once. Was crabbing in Fla.
They aren't Killis, though it's a very understandable error, they have very similar shapes and colourations.
DreamertK said:
Whiskers came back.

RCA said:
Lovely, what type of Killifish, (I am guessing that is what they are) are those DreamtertK?
DreamertK said:
Peacock gudgeons, one of the few freshwater sleeper goby's.
Ruskull said:
Wow, they look like they have Marine coloration.  
DreamertK said:
Wow, they look like they have Marine coloration.  
They refuse to eat anything but blackworms, and they happened to be in the mood. A lucky combination for coloration, as well as this blue T5 light really brings out their blue coloration. The only downside is that I only see my little man two days every other week. Right after I put his man cave in yesterday, they both jump in and I haven't seen either of them since.
the_lock_man said:

Back to topic, never been one for killis but, great googledy moogledy!
They aren't Killis, though it's a very understandable error, they have very similar shapes and colourations.
Thanks all, they look lovely and thanks for telling us what they are - Gobys, and a lovely shot too.  I was thinking possibly of Killi's for my new project, but will also take a look at these guys.
@ frapadoodle; Out of interest why have you not been one for Killis?
RCA, definitely recommend them, they are so perfect fish - they're peaceful, they're colourful, they're small enough for even a 30l tank, and they pretty easy to get spawning (although raising the fry is a bit harder).
I've never been a Killi fan myself due to their short life spans.  Do Gobies live a bit longer?
Ruskull said:
I've never been a Killi fan myself due to their short life spans.  Do Gobies live a bit longer?
You tar all Killi's with the same brush my good sir! Non-annuals tend to live a few years at least.
I was tempted to enter my baby Cory but will try to add a bit of variety at least:

Verification will be up later.
@RCA, well nothing personal against killis, just haven't had the itch yet.
Sorry, I thought most only last a year or so, and even the longer lived varieties only lasted a couple.  
Besides, you already know I'm an Anabantid fan..............
That i do Ruskull, that i do. Non annuals can last a few years depending on conditions they are kept in, lets face it though, they still can't stand toe-to-toe with a Pearl in regards to how good they are :p .
Seeing how everybody is already off-topic i might as well take this chance to congratulate you on your win last month :)
Gonna be an interesting competition this time round 
Tuxyu3 said:
That i do Ruskull, that i do. Non annuals can last a few years depending on conditions they are kept in, lets face it though, they still can't stand toe-to-toe with a Pearl in regards to how good they are
Seeing how everybody is already off-topic i might as well take this chance to congratulate you on your win last month
Thank you Tuxy..............I'm glad I didn't wait a month to enter my Pearl male since the competition is very stiff this month.
We have 11 entries scattered over 7 pages, some pages without even an entry on it! Any chance we can keep the banter to a minimum? Don't want to risk missing a photo when it comes to rounding them all up at the end! Feel free to start up conversations about said species elsewhere though :) (don't think I can decide this month! Seems a bit unfair that one of my favourite species ever is in the competition!)
Here is my entry for this month.  One of my Hasbrous cories.

And Verification 
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