Approaching Snowdon


Planted Section
Oct 30, 2006
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Lincoln, UK
Just a few backdated entries to introduce this scape:

19th April 2013

Technical Specs:
30 litre Opti-white aquarium (L 40cm, H 30cm, D 30cm)
Eheim 2211 external cannister filter
Beamworks 9 x 1W Luminaire (8 hours per day)

Fertilisation 0.5ml Lush Max daily
Plants: Fissidens Fontanus, Ammania Bonsoi, Monosolenium Tenerum,Vesicularia ferriei, Taxiphyllum Sp (flame moss.)
Livestock: Neocaridina Heteropoda var Yellow.
Substrate: Akadama and inert pool filter silica sand
Hardscape - Slate Phyllite broken into small stones and shards.

This time after several failures trying to do simple scapes that didn't hide any negelct I decided to just make something that was very structural and use very slow growing plants on it. I guess it is supposed to look like a river with trees on the banks but that was more just a bit of fun. The scape's name wasn't really a description of something I was trying to achieve but purely that the rock reminds me of Snowdonia.

The main plant is Fissidens Fontanus that is laid inbetween all the rocks. There is some Pellia along the 'riverbank' and Ammania Bonsoi represents the trees.

The weeping and flame moss is purely some stray contaminants that appeared.

This tank will have 4 weeks emersed before water is added to let the Fissidens get a strangelehold over the substrate.

First I cleaned the tank out thoroughly, then smashed up some of the large Slate rocks I had in the Portinho scape. I built the scape in layers, adding rocks to get the slopes for the riverbanks then filling in another layer until I had readched where I wanted the top to be. At this time I was only using a small 3W clip on light while I waited for the beamworks luminaire to arrive.









04th June 2013

After waiting 6 weeks for the luminaire the Ammania Bonsoi was added. This will be flooded in 1 weeks time.

Unfortunately this extended has meant the Fissidens has gotten a bit gunked up and will probably have to be binned. Pity because I used a massive amount of it. I do have more though. Because it will be flooded and I don't want it all blowing about the tank I have chopped loads up and mixed it with some more Akadama.

That is in a single thin layer at the bottom of a tray. I am leaving it for 4 weeks so that these fine particles attach, then I can just sprinkle the grains of akadama onto the banks. I will probably repeat this process a few times until the attached Fissidens fills out a bit.



15th June 2013

The tank is now flooded and I can now sit back and relax. Water changes will be 10% weekly but I don't expect too much maintenance here apart from little shrimps loving to cover sand with Akadama.

I am leaving the 'river' covered though and every now and again when a bit of Fissidens starts showing up on these stray bits I pick the grain up and put it back onto the banks.

After the banks fill out I will simply suck all the akadama from the river part up with an airline and then add new sand.

My daughter is fascinated with this tank..............Ooh you can see one of the gloss white units I have discarded as well.



can i ask
where do you get your glass inlet/outlet pipes from?
thanks :)
Very very nice. I see you have a distinctive style with each tank. Digging this one out of the trenches back to life. 
BriansAquarium said:
Looks great so far, would love a more updated picture though!
Lol.  One year late but will post some updates in the next couple of days.  This is a low light low energy setup so not much has changed really.
nortonmad213 said:
can i ask
where do you get your glass inlet/outlet pipes from?
The inlet is a 13mm cheap chinese knock off one from ebay.  The 'O bubble' outlet is a 10mm Gush one I imported from a German shop.  Cost me about £40...eeek....but I wanted it.  The Eheim 2211 has a 13mm inflow and 10mm outflow so I couldn't buy a set of pipes.
Dandyman3 said:
Very very nice. I see you have a distinctive style with each tank. Digging this one out of the trenches back to life. 
It is very much alive, just a slow burner that doesn't change much.  Like I said above I will take some pictures in the next couple of days and bring this thread up to date.
SuperColey1 said:
It is very much alive, just a slow burner that doesn't change much.  Like I said above I will take some pictures in the next couple of days and bring this thread up to date.
I meant bring it back to life on the forums from hibernation. Glad to hear there will be some updates on it soon too. Exciting :D
17 months since the last update and this little tank is still going. It hasn't changed a huge amount as I have had it on very very low light. The moss has started to cover the banks and the original Ammania and Tripiarta disappeared over this time.
The Fissidens also went a bit manky so most of that was pulled out although there are still some remnants remaining. I also planted a few stems of Proserpinaca Palustris in the tank. Will probably fail under low light but worth a try.
The white aquarium cabinet has been replaced with a zebrano one which matches the one I have under my 140ltr.
I have also changed the shrimp from yellow Davidii to some Blue Pearl Palmata. I forgot to tidy the path before taking the photos. The shrimp drag granules of akadama onto the sand.
I've also included some shots where I am messing about with backlighting. They don't show up as good as they could because I took these in the daytime in a well lit room and with the luminaire above on one third power.










Also a couple of pictures of the adaptations to the Beamworks luminaire.  This unit had a black panel with lenses fitted into it which was fine except the lenses were far too narrow a beam.  So I took the lenses and that panel out and replaced it with a simple clear 3mm acrylic panel.


Nearly a week on and this aquascape has been under all 9W of light since I got back to looking after it. As yet no algae problems and the shrimp all look fine.
I took a few pictures of them and they show how different blue pearls can be. Some are a nice icy blue while others barely show a trace of blue.
My 3 year old daughter loves this little tank and is always counting shrimp. She gets to 12 and then stops though. She will learn 13 onward soon enough.




Remarkably natural looking, really like the different light effects too. You need to train the shrimps to put the stuff back where they got it.
:)  I have to suck up the akadama that covers the path each water change and then drop it back on the banks.
A backdated update here :)  This is from 10th April 2015:
A long time since the last update of this little scape but it doesn't really change that much. It has moved on a little in terms of growth but not that much. I have been adding a few plants here and there but I am terrible at maintaining this scape.
It doesn't need much in terms of pruning and with just shrimp the filter doesn't really need cleaning but I sometimes don't dose it for 3 weeks and it can go a whole month or more between water changes.
These will probably be the last shots of this scape as I do have another DSM in waiting to replace this one. When I ordered this little Opti-white I was delivered one where I was not happy with the siliconing and they sent a replacement. I have however cleaned up the siliconing on the other one myself and therefore have 2 identical tanks so I can just swap over when the other DSM is ready.
So at 2 years old this scape has probably only ever had 10 - 15 water changes, has been dosed very irregularly and apart from its initial 'immature' months it has had no algae problems at all.



After saying that this scape was nearing its end I think I must have talked myself into doing it sooner rather than later and therefore with no further photos (it hadn't changed in a few days) thus ends this journal and another journal will replace it for the new scape :)

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