Apple Snails


New Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Hi I woke up this morning to both my apple snails over turned, I took them out of the water to check and one was an empty shell and the other one was way back in its shell and had a foul smell to it so I'm guessing it's dead, I've put it in a separate tank just in case it is still alive, can anyone explain why they may of died? :(
Fish might have liked the taste of your snails
To be honest it wouldn't suprise me, I'm sure I own the worlds most greedy fish :lol:
I was feeding them slices of cucumber and they seemed to really like it
Mollies, guppies, gouramis, plecs and 2 African clawed frogs
Oh sorry, I don't know. I thought they either starved or you had fish that would attack the snails. Neither seems true.
Thanks anyway, it's just suspicious that I found both of them dead in one day so it has to be something to do with the tank or water, I did a water test and everything is fine

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