Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Well 2 of my many Apple Snails are being rather odd today, they are both sat at the surface and there face end looks like this / V \ anyone got any ideas? can get a pic if i can find some batteries
I thought they periodically went to the surface to breathe. I read up on them and read that one should leave an inch or two of space at the top for them to go up and take a few breaths.
If you mean they are doing a V shape on the surface, they do it to funnel water thru there mouths. This draws some food that they can see on the surface towards there mouths. I think it looks pretty cool.
If you mean they are doing a V shape on the surface, they do it to funnel water thru there mouths. This draws some food that they can see on the surface towards there mouths. I think it looks pretty cool.
Thats ok then, i've never seen them do it before it was feeding time too