Apple Snail Still Won't Touch Any Veg & Shell Growth Question


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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He doesn't eat any veg at all. I've tried loads. I tried the cucumber microwaved and still no joy. He just ignores it. The only thing he eats so far is algae. Will he survive like this?

Also his shell looks like it's growing but round the edge at the bottom it's very thin and see through. is this normal?
An algae-only diet is iffy unless there is really a ton of algae that the snail is eating. Do you know what species you have? For the moment, try regular fish foods like flakes and sinking pellets. I don't even bother feeding veggies anymore after years of snail keeping with various species; the best and thickest growth I've seen so far has actually come from diets of primarily dry fish foods. The see-through shell is new growth; it should thicken over time unless there is some problem with the water being too soft or the snail not getting what it needs through its diet.
An algae-only diet is iffy unless there is really a ton of algae that the snail is eating. Do you know what species you have? For the moment, try regular fish foods like flakes and sinking pellets. I don't even bother feeding veggies anymore after years of snail keeping with various species; the best and thickest growth I've seen so far has actually come from diets of primarily dry fish foods. The see-through shell is new growth; it should thicken over time unless there is some problem with the water being too soft or the snail not getting what it needs through its diet.

Thanks. But in a tank with fish how do I ensure he gets the food?
He's eating at last!!! It seems he prefers rotting veg to fresh. I had a bit of cucumber a day out of date that I was gonna chuck after having no success getting him to eat it. I decided to try it and he's been munching away!!!

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