Apple Snail Eggs Above/Below Water Line?


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2009
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After the disaster I had in my 60 litre and losing my complete stock of Apple snails I have started again. I had bought a led light kit for the 60 litre and so had lowered the water level to fit the strip and left it for 48hrs for the sealant to cure. In the mean time one of the Apple snails had laid the largest clump of eggs I've seen, right where the filter was going to go and would be in the water when the level was put up to where it should be. As there was already a egg clump further up, I put the water level up, so now the eggs are both above and below the water line. I am keeping a good eye on them and so far, there is no colour change in the eggs (below water - line or that they seem to be dissolving) There has also been another batch of eggs laid (above water line). Does anybody think that the eggs have a chance below the water-line, I'm keeping them there just out of pure intrest, if I detect them going bad I will remove them right away. The only inhabitants in the tank are Apple snails at the moment. :good:
No, they do not: you have probably noticed that your apple snails come up to the surface to breath in air? The babies need the same. If the eggs get under water, they will drown within a matter of hours.
No, they do not: you have probably noticed that your apple snails come up to the surface to breath in air? The babies need the same. If the eggs get under water, they will drown within a matter of hours.

Ah, thanks for that, I'll remove the lower half of the egg clump then. Randy lot I've got, they obviously like their new set up. :lol:
No problem :) drop me a PM if you have too many with size, colour, price and some photos (if you can!)
This is the setup I do when my Apples lay eggs to keep them damp but not submerged... If they are below the water line... they will obviously not hatch... I then scrape them from the glass with a razor and float them on a square of polystyrene in the bottle vacuum.
Keep the lid on the bottle and you can put an airstone below the submerged opening of the bottle.
This is the setup I do when my Apples lay eggs to keep them damp but not submerged... If they are below the water line... they will obviously not hatch... I then scrape them from the glass with a razor and float them on a square of polystyrene in the bottle vacuum.
Keep the lid on the bottle and you can put an airstone below the submerged opening of the bottle.

Thank you Ludwig. It was my fault that half the eggs are under water. In the new set up I just have led lights and the eggs seem to be staying nicely moist but not overheated. In my 120 litre if they lay their eggs too high up near the lights they tend to go hard and flaky. I have had successful egg's hatching in the larger tank though.

Kitty Kat, not a problem, I have ivory, purple and striped Adults so it will be interesting to see what Colour combo's came out. I was abso gutted when I lost the last lot, they were just at the right size to sell. Valuable lesson learnt.
Oh I'd be interested in a PM like kitty kat if you get too many; I was going to buy purple snails, the sellter told me a price in the forum; I sent my money off and no the price changed, so my cheque should be winging it's way back to me.
Oh I'd be interested in a PM like kitty kat if you get too many; I was going to buy purple snails, the sellter told me a price in the forum; I sent my money off and no the price changed, so my cheque should be winging it's way back to me.

I'll let you know, I have already sent snails to some TFF peeps in the past, the Ivory ones were from the first ever batch of baby's. I'm hoping that a mix of the Ivory and Purple will result in some nice colour variations. At the moment there are three egg clusters on the go and judging by the antics of the snails there will be more. What a busy mum I'll be. :lol:

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