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i'm not too keen on starting threads unless i really need to know something. just kina worried that if i put up a lot of unnessesary stuff when i do post for something i need help with people wont bother to check it out.
so, i'm back to either a honey or dwarf gourami to fill out the top of my tank, with options of a betta or trio of male mollies if i don't go the gourami route.
an apisto would be bottom half of the tank but would certainly add more colour there. wondering if that would maybe force my neons up a bit or if they would just end up back in a corner? they tend to float along the front from one end to another just above the gravel so it gives me something nice in the bottom couple of inches.
I'd say if you wanted to add an apisto and a dwarf gourami it should be ok, they will both wander up and down the tank but for the most part there shouldn't be any issue. I do think it would make your neons hang out more in the middle, maybe ha, never can tell with fish.  I had a flame gourami, I liked it better than the honey I had, but that's just personal opinion, I liked the pearl best. I may end up with another one in the future.
Also, consider a krib, if you just one a pop of color, get a female they are more colorful!
There's a link to one of my threads, you can see sorta, how colorful they are, mine are a bit more intense now cause they're breeding colors, but still very pretty anyway.
those are nice, certainly very eye catching :)
it's the red dwarf gourami i really fancy but there's so much DGD it kina puts me off, the honey is in the selection because it stays quite small aswell. i think about 3 or 4" is big enough for this tank, the other gouramies, from what i can make out get a bit bigger maybe 5 or 6".
if i could just get one and one then the apisto or krib would off set the solid block of colour from a honey.
I think any way you do it should be fine, get the kind you like best, I wouldn't be too put off by the potential for disease, honestly any fish has some sort of disease they can get, I know there's neon tetra disease too.  But don't let it be the factor that keeps you from getting one, cause most cases you'll get one that's just fine and if you take care of em shouldn't have any problems.  Just get one that looks healthy in the store! don't go by color cause they will look nicer when they come home, mine colored up nicely, got very red/orange with that blue along his fin. Just make sure all the pieces are where they should be haha.
i guess any fish is a gamble to some extent and i would prob end up always wondering "what if?"
i'm gona wait for some more endler fry to grow out before i start adding bigger fish but i like to be well prepared before i make a desision :)
good plan, and you can always window shop at the pet store (unless you have to order online or something)
window shoping at the lfs is not a good idea for me, that's how i got into this predicament in the first place lol :)
my lfs get in a lot of unusual fish and as long as it's legal they will get anything you ask for, makes it all too easy.
Sorry to jump on the thread, but saves starting a new one, about Apisto's, I've been thinking of getting Apisto's for my 275litre which currently houses a 11 rummynose tetra, 5 lemon tetra, 6 beckfordi pencil fish, 5 cardinal tetras, 1 ancistrus, two koi angelfish, and a pair of celebes halfbeaks and was wondering whether there would be any problems with compatibility and also if you think there is space to house a pair or one male and couple of females. The only problem i could see is with the bristlenose which is about 5inches long.
Also are some apistos less/more friendly than others?
hi jonbrown,
sorry no-one has got back to you on this yet but sometimes if it's an old dead thread, like this one, people don't always check it out as they have already got the gist of it and helped if they can.
sometimes a new thread is the way to go and the moderators don't mind.
maybe try a title like 275 community angels, celebes and apistos. that would draw a larger veiwing and perhaps get you the advice you need :)

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