Apisto’s meeting the neighbors

thanks... can no longer edit the 1st post...

The 2 larger ones, have joined forces… and the yellower one moved in with the grey, bigger one… not seeing any nesting activity, or chasing of the other fish yet, but all the Cory’s, are hanging out in the center of the tank, rather than under the driftwood, where the 2 Apisto’s are now, they don’t seem to be trying to move anyone else around, with exception to the smaller Apisto… smaller one has actually moved to where the yellower one was before, rather than at the top of the tank, in the root balls… Sid ( giant Oto ) has been hanging on that driftwood lately, and one of the bigger electric blue Acaras normally hangs out a couple inches above… tank is still peaceful for now anyway….
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Starting to look like a pair, although so different in coloration, they look like different species… this picture taken at feeding time, and they have chosen a spot af far down stream, as they can get, so the available food ends up here, as noted by all the food in the black sand, in this picture…. The 3rd one ( smallest ) is still doing good, on the other side of the tank… of course Sid ( my giant Oto ) photobombs… grey one had the notch in the dorsal, when it came… must have been doing some sparring in the sellers tank
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Well if the “nijsseni 'Rio Ucayali',”
are going to pair up, they chose a great spot, this tank is only viewed from the front, and one side, and they seem to like the side of the tank they can easily be viewed… and the result is I get to see the rest of the fish that used to go under the driftwood ( Cory’s ) now they are almost exclusively in the center of the tank.. the 3rd wheel is doing fine, but on the other side, which is harder to view…

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