Apistogramma Fry


Mar 7, 2011
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My alcarina has brought her fry out for the first time today, I paniced a bit because I didn't want them to get scoffed by my plecs. I tried to syphon them out but it didn't work very well and I probally only captured 5 now I'm worried where the rest were because I had around 40 I did see the mum sucking them up and spiting em back under the coconut shell. Do you think she has save most of them and will the mother keep them in there because there are a lot of suspect fish hanging about????
My alcarina has brought her fry out for the first time today, I paniced a bit because I didn't want them to get scoffed by my plecs. I tried to syphon them out but it didn't work very well and I probally only captured 5 now I'm worried where the rest were because I had around 40 I did see the mum sucking them up and spiting em back under the coconut shell. Do you think she has save most of them and will the mother keep them in there because there are a lot of suspect fish hanging about????

Plecs are sucker fish! They would've eaten any of the fry...The fry would have been fine in the tank, what are the other fish in there?
The plecs will suck them up unitensionly if they decide to hover over them but I also have cacatuoides, guppys, angels and metae corys so don't think they would stand a chance. So if someone could answer the question please if they will be kept under the shell by the mother or will she let them roam?
Plecs will never really get any free swimming fish, but they will have eggs! They have had my angels a few times! :good: :santa:
She may bring them out, but most will survive as the mother will keep them in a little herd and protect them. It's when she gives them the boot and wants to respawn, that's when I've always had losses.
ah yes i got you, thats what happend to my cacatouides. i really hope these guys survive they look stunning

hey westwood is that your firemouth with the angels? i want to get 2 to add to my tank eventually but i have to adjust my tanks first and remove possible targets. i want to add a pair into my 30 gal with 2 medium angels and plecs/corys etc?
its ok the mother has got them under control for now i still have a few babys :)

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