Apistogramm Agazzi (Male) For Sale Or Swap


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
Livestock: Male Apistogramma Agassiz
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: Sold two males and a female rather than a male and 2 females
Delivery or Collection: collect
Sales price: Free or swap (see below)
Postage & Packaging: N/A collect only
Location: Rochdale near Manchester
Photograph: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8391449/photo.JPG

Hi All,

I purchased two female and one male Apistogramma Agassiz from a LFS, which has turned out to be 2 MALES!! and 1 female :sad: . The two males are not getting on, so much so i've had to separate them and put one of them in a tank by him self.

I am there for having to sell one of the male apistogramma's (one of them won fish of the month on here, so they are lovely).

You must be able to collect from Rochdale (Manchester area).

Will consider a swap for a Female aspito, or three panda Cory's.

#40## I'm in Leicester :(
If you ever pass close let me know ;)
Just read my last post, was meant to say #40## lol
Worth an ask, seems all these guys are miles away :)
Cheers and glws

Phone did it again, stupid phone ;(

can you please edit your post to be in line with the sales form?


Also would swap for a pair of Bolivian rams (if comparable with aspitos), or some hatchet fish, or some shrimp. Basically I'm open to offers :)
Also would swap for a pair of Bolivian rams (if comparable with aspitos), or some hatchet fish, or some shrimp. Basically I'm open to offers :)

Price drop as i need the tank this guys in.
OK guys, can someone just come and pick this guy up as i need the tank. No charge but if you want to give me a nice fishy in return from the list about that would go down a treat (you dont have too though). I just need my other tank back ASAP so giving away.



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