Api Saltwater Master Kit.


New Member
Aug 28, 2007
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I have the above kit and seem to get ok results on all but the Nitrate reading. I am mixing a fresh batch of water using a brand tha advertises no Nitrates or Phosphates but got a reading between 5 - 10ppt.

Is there a problem with the said test kit?


I hate the API nitrate test kit

My test too stated my RO+Salt ahd nitrates, but would often read beyond 100ppm on it. If you really worry about nitrates, do yourself a favour and avoid API like the plague. I tried the kit that came with the master test kit and a solo one bought, both give strange results.

The nitrate kit is good for FW and SW. I tested two sample of the same tank at the same time with the same test kit. One gave 0ppm, the other 160ppm.

I now use a Tropic Marin kit (when I bother to test) and am happy with it and it is much easier to read at the lower end of the scale (more applicable to most reef keepers).
i dont like API after it caused me to crash my tank since i kept dosing since my tests always came low. I dont test anymore. Its dangerous since im not exactly experianced like andy and stuff but too bad for me.
i dont like API after it caused me to crash my tank since i kept dosing since my tests always came low. I dont test anymore. Its dangerous since im not exactly experianced like andy and stuff but too bad for me.
I am not "experienced" by any sense of the world. There seems to be some strange cult growing that I am some all knowing marine keeper like Nav. I assure thee, I am not.
Wouldn't exactly say that Nav is "all knowing" either... also anyone that can keep ribbon morays as well as you deserves a nod in my opinion.
Wouldn't exactly say that Nav is "all knowing" either... also anyone that can keep ribbon morays as well as you deserves a nod in my opinion.

Maybe not, but he sure knows far more than I. And I only have the one ribbon moray. The smaller one refused to eat and slowly faded away.

Thats weird, ive found that api test kits arent that bad. You guys did wait like 10 minutes before you actually compared it to the chart right?

No. I waited 5 minutes as instructed by the test. And yes I did shake bottle 2 for 30 seconds before putting it in and shook the test for a minute before leaving for 5 minutes. I banged bottle 2 on the floor to loosen it up and did multiple tests at the same time.

I then bought a Tropic Marin test and it gave a more realistic reading of 5-10 ppm nitrates in the tank and 0 in the RO+salt.
Thats weird, ive found that api test kits arent that bad. You guys did wait like 10 minutes before you actually compared it to the chart right?

do you use it for freshwater testing? Or saltwater?

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