API Quickstart and SeaChem Prime?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2020
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I am currently performing a fish-in cycle. I added a regular dose of Quickstart 4 days ago when firing up the tank, and I added fish 1 day later (3 days ago). I am now planning to begin to dose with SeaChem Prime every 48 hours to keep Ammonia in check. My question is this: Are Quickstart and Prime compatible? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.. thank you!!
I am currently performing a fish-in cycle. I added a regular dose of Quickstart 4 days ago when firing up the tank, and I added fish 1 day later (3 days ago). I am now planning to begin to dose with SeaChem Prime every 48 hours to keep Ammonia in check. My question is this: Are Quickstart and Prime compatible? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.. thank you!!
Assuming quick start and safe start are the same (that they're just made by different companies) you'll have to wait 24 hours after dechlorinating your water before you can add it to the treated tank water. I believe @Byron has the excellent technical knowledge as to why this is, since he and others informed me of this when starting my own fish-in cycle. Hope this helps!
Thanks for your reply. I'm not looking to add any more water right now though. I will re-phrase my question:

I've had a tank running with fish in it for 4 days now, and it was started with a single dose of Quickstart. I am about to start treating the water with Prime, and I want to know if it will be okay to add another dose of Quickstart at the same time? I'd like to add one more dose of Quickstart just to ensure there are enough BB in there. A single dose of Quickstart 5 days ago just does not feel like enough.
Thanks for your reply. I'm not looking to add any more water right now though. I will re-phrase my question:

I've had a tank running with fish in it for 4 days now, and it was started with a single dose of Quickstart. I am about to start treating the water with Prime, and I want to know if it will be okay to add another dose of Quickstart at the same time? I'd like to add one more dose of Quickstart just to ensure there are enough BB in there. A single dose of Quickstart 5 days ago just does not feel like enough.
Do the quick start first, the prime will render it useless if added at the same time. I believe this is what byron says
Yes the prime only temporarily makes it not toxic. After about 2 days it converts back to its toxic form. The best way to remove ammonia is water changes, chemicals dont do a whole lot and can actually cause more harm than good
Yes the prime only temporarily makes it not toxic. After about 2 days it converts back to its toxic form. The best way to remove ammonia is water changes, chemicals dont do a whole lot and can actually cause more harm than good
I think it would be safe to add the two together at the same time then? Yeah, water changes are important and are the best way to protect the fish imo.
Last time I checked Tetra SafeStart Plus was the one that had the correct bacteria in it not Quickstart to jump start a tank.
API quickstart says its does the same thing, it contains the bacteria
I think it would be safe to add the two together at the same time then? Yeah, water changes are important and are the best way to protect the fish imo.
I believe I was told that something in the prime messes with the bacteria if added together
I think it would be safe to add the two together at the same time then? Yeah, water changes are important and are the best way to protect the fish imo.
Nope! Can’t add Prime for 24 hours after adding Safe Start* or vice versa. Prime will destroy the bacteria for first 24 hours before it has time to start growing.This applies to Quick Start too.
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I believe The OP was never asking which bacteria starter to use. He was asking if his Quick Start can be used with Prime. Yes, after 24 hours.
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