Api nitra zorb?


New Member
Oct 22, 2020
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Is this a good product to rid nitrates from a freshwater aquarium?
That depends how the nitrate gets into the tank.

Some areas have high nitrate in tap water. It makes more sense to use the nitrazorb to remove the nitrate before it is put in the tank.
What is your tap water nitrate level?

Nitrate is made in the tank from ammonia excreted by the fish. If tap water nitrate is low but tank nitrate is high, you need to find out why it is high and rectify the cause. Possibilities include:
Too many fish fish excreting a lot of ammonia which is turned into a lot of nitrate.
Over feeding the fish; the uneaten food decomposes to make ammonia which is turned into nitrate
Not removing fish poop, uneaten food etc from the bottom of the tank as it decomposes to make ammonia
Not cleaning the filter - the brown goo in there is decomposing fish poop, uneaten food etc which makes ammonia
Not doing frequent enough water changes
not doing large enough water changes.

Can you tell us, please, the size of the tank, the fish you have, and what is your maintenance regime. These answers will help us to spot if something is causing high nitrate in the tank.

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