I'd also wonder about buying kits from a LFS that doesn't have a high turnover of them then... By the time it's been manufactured, distributed, sat on a shelf for who knows how long in a stockroom, sat on a shelf in the shop, and then bought by you, how long do you then have before it goes O.O.D.
It would seem to have a quite an impact on the 'cost effectiveness' of the API kits if you (for example), needed to use the whole kit within a year or two.
Most people will do a lot of tests when cycling, and not too many after that. It's great having a kit that offers 'hundreds of tests' from each bottle, but not if you are only going to get a fraction of that many out of it before it goes Out Of Date.
Will have to have a read of my API kit when I get home and see if there is any mention of it going out of date, and also check the lot numbers