Api Kit Question..


Fish Addict
Sep 23, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I am thinking of getting an API test kit off ebay. Now I know the bottles have date codes but does the box..? I just wouldn't expect a seller to open a box to find out and just wonder if I might as well take a trip to my local Pets at Home to be more sure..?
I have an API freshwater master test kit and there arent any dates on any of it only lot numbers. its a quality kit pricey but worth every penney!
I seem to remember a topic about this once before, but I can't find it!

However google linked me to another forum where I found this:

The last four digits of the lot number are the date of manufacture eg lot 28A0102 was made in Jan 2001.
NH3, NO3 and GH last for three years
NO2 and KH last for four years.
I seem to remember a topic about this once before, but I can't find it!

However google linked me to another forum where I found this:

The last four digits of the lot number are the date of manufacture eg lot 28A0102 was made in Jan 2001.
NH3, NO3 and GH last for three years
NO2 and KH last for four years.

Am I the only one that is confused how "0102" relates to "Jan 2001"?

"0101" I could understand, so maybe a typo? I presume it is month / year ?
Sorry, I really should learn to type properly!

It should have been Jan 2002
Okily doke, no worries, just wanted to check I wasn't missing something :)
The reason I am asking this is because one open (apparently used once) kit just sold on ebay and when I quizzed the seller they eventually got back and told me a lot number that was a few years out of date so I figure this could easily be the case with unopened too.
I'd also wonder about buying kits from a LFS that doesn't have a high turnover of them then... By the time it's been manufactured, distributed, sat on a shelf for who knows how long in a stockroom, sat on a shelf in the shop, and then bought by you, how long do you then have before it goes O.O.D.
It would seem to have a quite an impact on the 'cost effectiveness' of the API kits if you (for example), needed to use the whole kit within a year or two.
Most people will do a lot of tests when cycling, and not too many after that. It's great having a kit that offers 'hundreds of tests' from each bottle, but not if you are only going to get a fraction of that many out of it before it goes Out Of Date.

Will have to have a read of my API kit when I get home and see if there is any mention of it going out of date, and also check the lot numbers :)
I'd also wonder about buying kits from a LFS that doesn't have a high turnover of them then... By the time it's been manufactured, distributed, sat on a shelf for who knows how long in a stockroom, sat on a shelf in the shop, and then bought by you, how long do you then have before it goes O.O.D.
It would seem to have a quite an impact on the 'cost effectiveness' of the API kits if you (for example), needed to use the whole kit within a year or two.
Most people will do a lot of tests when cycling, and not too many after that. It's great having a kit that offers 'hundreds of tests' from each bottle, but not if you are only going to get a fraction of that many out of it before it goes Out Of Date.

Will have to have a read of my API kit when I get home and see if there is any mention of it going out of date, and also check the lot numbers :)

I think it worth noting this won't be unique to API kits. Also worth noting is the length of time these chemicals last for after manufacture. From another forum:-

The Lot number indicates the product code and the date of MANUFACTURE.
API represents that:

Wide Range pH, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Copper, Calcium,and GH each last 3 years from manufacture.

Nitrate and KH last 4 years.

Freshwater Low Range pH andPond Care Salt level last 5 years.

Most reactions
