
Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
I would like to get some new mollies for a fifty gallon I have recently obtained, but mollies like a lot of salt--2 tsp. table salt + 1tsp epsom PER GALLON!!! I was wondering if there was ANY bottomfeeders that could put up with that!! Ghost shrimp? But would they get eaten? Some sort of catfish? But would it get along with mollies?
You wont find any catfish that are suitable unless it is a minimum of a 75 gallon tank so ive moved this to oddballs.

There are many species of gobies and other oddballs such as flounders and blennies that would br suitable if you can obtain them in your local area.
Bumblebee gobies- they won't eat your algae, but they're wonderful clean up crew and full of character. They stay tiny too, and prefer mildly brackish water.
I think it's practically the same--however, I myself will be using aquarium salt rather than table salt because I'm not sure what the iodide in it would do to my fish.

Sirminion--Thanks!!!! Bumblebee gobies sound perfect!! I'll definitely have to find some.
Table salt would be a really bad idea! Aquarium salt is the best bet, ofcourse... if it wasnt then there would be a lot of sued Aquarium salt companies. However, if you want a cheap alternative, you could probably buy sea salt at your local store or supermarket. It tastes better in soups and usually has no added Iodine... be sure to read the label though.

Please note that I use neither sea salt nor aquarium salt, Im just guessing that the sea salt would be cheaper considering the fact that most aquarium related products tend to be pretty overpriced (filter sponges / charcoal especially).

BTW, I thought I read somewhere that Mollies go in freshwater as well as brackish and sea water. So, do you really need to add the salt at all?
Last time I kept mollies, they would all inexplicably die a short while later. Now, perhaps some mollies can have totally fresh water, but I think mine kept dying because of their lack of salt. So yeah, I think it's probably a good idea.

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