Anyone Want To Meet At Wildwoods Tomorrow?


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi all
I'm going to wildwoods tomorrow
and was wondering if anyone fancied meeting up there?

I'm aiming to reach the shop for 12 noon.
if you've never been now here is a good excuse to go :p
Yeah ill come ill meet you there mate any excuse to go and look at the frontosa set up again.
I would come, but have no money, and I dont go the fish shops without money, cause there is Always something to buy!
Not that can come or anything but where is it? You all seem pretty far apart to me?!
Sunday the 24th of June? :p ... Wolfy wolfy, check your calendar dear ;)
As for me, you know I'd love to come over, but just well too far away =/
Sunday the 24th of June? :p ... Wolfy wolfy, check your calendar dear ;)
As for me, you know I'd love to come over, but just well too far away =/

I don't know what you mean :whistle:
England only play at tea time so there is plenty of time peeps.

I would love to have come but i am also too far away,next time eh? :(
take it your not in northern ireland?

Nope see ive explained before but here i go again. Im in the army so im based in northern ireland and thats where myself and my wife live. BUT im always coming back home over to England as i hate it here so im in Harlow in essex alot of the time. 15 mins away from cruise hill.
no one did.
oh well your loss

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