Anyone Wanna Guess What Is Going On Here?


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Sorry for the poor quality, but, I ran to get any cam I could. My BLU is almost 2+ years old. What happened here clouded up my tank. The central tube is ii's anus, so, it is not pooping.

Have fun with this. :cool:



Urchin clip
i assume it's spawning :D

the big question is why do people always have loud noise / bad music in he background when they take video clips ;)
....because they run like crazy when kooky ocean things happen in their house :good:

PS....agreed. I think all that nori I fed it this week churned up the hormones. SH
That is exactly what my GSP has been doing since I got it about 2 weeks ago!! That is the white goo thingy!! So it is spawning brilliant........ By the way nice urchin

Regards :good:
Just one..that' sit..but he's going for a few years now. Beautiful creature. SH
have you ever seen someone give birth?

its far from being a turn on....

its not soft or hard porn.... Its the miracle of life lol

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