Anyone Use A Fluval Fx5


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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bit if a random one, Ive got a Fluval FX5, the motor started making a racket today so took it apart to have a look. When i took the motor off i found a washer/seal/gasket stuck in the impeller, its about the size of a 1 pence piece, made of black plastic and looks like a penny washer. The thing is i have no idea what it is or where it goes? ive looked through the parts list on fluvals web site and cant find anything that looks like it, its a bit of a headache because im afraid to turn it back on in case it leaks or something goes wrong. Does anyone have a clue what it might be or have had the same thing happen to them.
How old is the filter? If it's one of the first out, being a Fluval, it's just about due to fail, being a modern Fluval :shifty: If it's still inside Hagen Fluval's 3 year warrenty, I'd dump the media into the tank and take the filter back to the shop tomorrow for repair/replacement under warrenty, let them worry about it :good: In all other cases, you'll have to await the resident Fluval fan club members...

The FX5 has thus far been reasonably reliable, but it's only been on the market for just about 3 years. It is still a relatively new filter on the market, and the 04 series started to develop an increased fail rate arround the 3-4 year mark. The 05 series I have the displeasure of dealing with at work is now starting to go the same way at the same age :sad: I will wait a few more years before the FX5 is ever even considered for being ran on one of my tanks...

Sorry I can be of great help :sad:

:hi: to TFF
I wouldn't say that's an overstatement, just a bit premature just yet...

They are supposed to be good though :nod:
i have two fx5s, had them since they came out, however I cannot think what the problem is, ive never had to take my apart.

as a filter, ive found them to be great.

hopefully someone else may be able to offer you help, or have you tried the fluvel site to ascertain what the issue may be?
I agree about sending it back, only problem is i got it off EBAY about 6 months ago from a reputable user, cant see there being a problem with them accepting it but its going to take too long for me to get it back, i get very bad cold spots when its turned off as i have a 400l tank not to mention the problems im going to have with no filtration for 10+ days?

How old is the filter? If it's one of the first out, being a Fluval, it's just about due to fail, being a modern Fluval :shifty: If it's still inside Hagen Fluval's 3 year warrenty, I'd dump the media into the tank and take the filter back to the shop tomorrow for repair/replacement under warrenty, let them worry about it :good: In all other cases, you'll have to await the resident Fluval fan club members...

The FX5 has thus far been reasonably reliable, but it's only been on the market for just about 3 years. It is still a relatively new filter on the market, and the 04 series started to develop an increased fail rate arround the 3-4 year mark. The 05 series I have the displeasure of dealing with at work is now starting to go the same way at the same age :sad: I will wait a few more years before the FX5 is ever even considered for being ran on one of my tanks...

Sorry I can be of great help :sad:

:hi: to TFF

I agree about sending it back, only problem is i got it off EBAY about 6 months ago from a reputable user, cant see there being a problem with them accepting it but its going to take too long for me to get it back, i get very bad cold spots when its turned off as i have a 400l tank not to mention the problems im going to have with no filtration for 10+ days?

i have two fx5s, had them since they came out, however I cannot think what the problem is, ive never had to take my apart.

as a filter, ive found them to be great.

hopefully someone else may be able to offer you help, or have you tried the fluvel site to ascertain what the issue may be?

this is the only problem ive had, apart from this its been a belting filter, they dont deserve there bad press, although i have only had it 6 months so i might end up eating my words.
You have a choice in the UK between sending it back to the retailer or the manufactuer. If the retailer won't entertain your claim without evidence to surgest abuse of the product, they are in breach of consumer protection law, simple as. Threaten them with a law suit and they should have a change of heart should you hit issues :shifty: Likewise if you try Fluval diirectly :good: If they can present evidence of abuse though, you will need to challenge them in court to get anywhere. This applies to all goods under 6 months old that aren't subject to normal wear and tear. If the good is over 6 months old, to have your warrenty honored, you must prove that the fault existed upon purchace of the good to claim. If it's about 6 months old, you have a fine line for threatening legal action. This is your legal postion if you have trouble, however....

Fluval offer a 3 your warrenty. After 6 months they are not legaly obliged to entertain your claim without evidence that the product was already faulty on purchase, but few people have reported any issues :good: In other words, if it's over 6 months old and the retailer is playing silly a@#es, try Fluval direct and you should be fine :nod:

Do you have spare filters in any way shape or form? If so, get them running with some media in for now and monitor ammonia and nitrite readings for signs of trouble :good: I honestly believe that either redundant systems or spare equipment are essential on a large tank. :nod: This is why ;)

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