Did anyone notice that she didn't really say anything about putting salt in the water? She said it was a salt water tank but never said how mich salt or that you need to buy special aquarium salt. I wonder how many people will be putting table salt in their tanks
I just love how she says that plastic plants are a little easier to care for than live. A piece of plastic, colored and shaped with a weight to keep it down is a LITTLE easier to keep than a living organism? LOL Some expert.
they made it all look so easy i think info mertials are not the best place to get any sort of reliable info about anything like that. look at the other junk on qvc i mean its not good that stuff is misold but thats what its all about on thease shows.those ladies prolly wherent anything to do with fish they prolly lied and she sounded like she was just reading from a haistilly prepaired script and maybee someone had to "edit" it to make the product sound better. i think allot of people would think twice about buying that tank if they said that all you could keep in it where a couple of small fish and that you would have to buy allot more stuff besides... who knows anyways figured i didnt put much enough oppinion in my last post so id make up for it. who put money and fish keeping together anyway?
they have no idea how hard it is to own marine fish and the seahorse, i'm not really a begginer any more but i still can't afford a marine tank, 5 gallon for 15' of fish. Gosh
Well, do you really expect a rep from a major fish company to say how hard, time consuming and expensive keeping fish are? no! All they want to do is sell a product. And what do all people like...simple, easy solutions. So, of course she's going to say fish keeping is idiot-proof and inexpensive. Then, more people will get a little lightbulb over their head and go out and buy everything Tetra. It's a shame that she would spew such un-educated bullplop.
Val you absolutely crack me up. "Bullplop", I'm totally gonna use that - that's one of the most humorous things I've heard in awhile... but then again, it's almost 1 in the morning and that might have somethin to do with it!
It makes me ill........people just trying to make a buck...the deal is the consumer wants instant gratification.......if the consumer knows you have to actually "cycle" a tank, do you think they would be at the store putting out bucks for a tank and fish at the same time??? No they would be getting their gratification somewhere else.
I mean..... who wants to start making payments for a new car 6 weeks before you can drive it...... NO ONE I know of!!
only those who are REALLY wanting to enjoy the hobby, and not the little brats who are begging their parents for a real Nemo fish!!!
I was utterley shocked and disgusted at that video clip, how stupid could one person be, you think on a live television show - they would make sure they had experts giving advice on marine tanks, and dont worry because Im sure - even if they dont hear our uproar there will be loads of other fishkeepers out there who would have seen it and complained, I never ever once thought that it was possible to have a 5gallon marine tank, I think it is totally cruel, seahorses , if you have ever truly looked at them- seem so completely sad in fish shop tanks, and I dont think its right to have them unless in a massive tank, and natural like enviroment...
dont get me wrong, im sure there are lots of happy seahorses in tanks out there - thats just my personal opinion,anyway, yeh, that was completely mad.
the only positive aspect out of the whole video clip I sw was how cool that movie "finding nemo" looked, I will be hunting for that.. anyone wanting to share? PM ME!!!!!