Anyone play airsoft here?

This thread is really making me want to start playing airsoft.... I have no idea how I would do that though lol.

Doooooo eeeeeiiiit!

There are several fields/arenas and pro shops in your area. I'd probably brush up on some YT videos for tactics and tips, grab starter kit (many options for $150 and under including ANSI rated eye and face protection) and head on down to your nearest field and let 'er rip. I've always found the best way to learn something is hands on.

BTW, Utah rules! The day I win the Powerball I am moving there.
WOW that was quite the intense post LOL. That sounds really fun and I will probably do that when I have the money and I can drive myself lol. (I am 15 as well). I will have to learn the basics and gear basics. Any recommendations? I always enjoy sniping although twigs up your nose sounds not so fun... I have enjoyed nerf a lot but airsoft sounds like a nice step up. And you can't really be a sniper in Nerf as the guns are not higher velocity, more accurate, etc.

Utah IS pretty awesome although I moved here from upstate New York, and while I like it here better, we moved from the country to the city :( and I left behind all the friends I have had for upwards of 7 years. I am also REALLY shy and bad at making friends so it ain't going so great lol. I do get to do a lot with my Grandpa now and we love to go snowmobiling, ATVing, camping, etc. That's really fun.
Also. Eit? Do Eit? lol

Super Troopers, man. C'mon!

I'm new as well. Last time I played was 15 odd years ago and I just ordered a budget AEG to practice on and teach my daughter to shoot. It'll be a learning experience all around. But it'll be fun.

I understand difficulty making new friends. I was very shy at your age. As I've gotten older, I've opened up significantly. You shouldn't be afraid to approach new people. Worst thing that will happen is they aren't receptive (honestly quite rare) and you move on. I would think that a sport like airsoft or paintball would be an excellent opportunity to make new friends.

As far as gear, I can't offer much experience other than don't buy anything from Walmart. I ordered a Lancer Tactical AEG after reading nothing but good things about them. I'll give my full opinion once it arrives. Dollar for dollar and performance wise, it seems they are hard to beat for a beginner on a budget. Other brands that seem highly recommended are CYMA and G&G. For eye protection, don't skimp. Full seal ANSI rated only. I've learned this from working on aircraft and other shooting sports.

I have been through Layton many times. I don't care for the city, either. But there are lots of great rural areas and small towns once you leave SLC and I15.
That picture still isn't accurate as you put an "i" in there. ;)

Thanks for the advice!

Eye pro definitely seems like something to make sure it high quality. Ever been hit in the err, sensitive areas? Doesn't sound fun either...

I am gonna have to do some research and see what works best for me on the gear side of things. I played paintball once but that was about it so my tactics are probably gonna need some work. I enjoy shooting firearms though (not at real people of course) so I am sure I could figure out the whole handling the rifle thing pretty easily.

There are a lot of good rural places in Utah and we were planning on moving to rural Idaho, but the only job opportunities were in the SLC area. :/
I see your point and I agree to an extent, however I am going to have to side with your old man on this one. He's trying to help you in the long run by teaching you money management, financial responsibility and patience. These are very important when you become an adult. Try and cut him some slack. He's trying to prepare you for adulthood. Parenting isn't always glamorous.

I know when I was a teenager, I never had a cent to my name because I spent it as fast as I earned it and often more. So I feel it's perfectly reasonable, for example, if you want a $300 rifle to save up $500. Then you still have something in the bank and are on your way to your next goal or have money to fall back on. We all like instant gratification, but it isn't always what's best for us long term.
Ok, thanks for your advice. I’m not going to buy until after Christmas anyway, so I’ll save up to $550 probably, just so I have money left over after I buy the rifle.

My list is now this:

-Left Hand Conversion Kit

That comes out to around $350. I contacted Novritsch, and they said shipping was very fast, same day ship out. So probably 2-3 day delivery, which isn’t bad at all.

WOW that was quite the intense post LOL. That sounds really fun and I will probably do that when I have the money and I can drive myself lol. (I am 15 as well). I will have to learn the basics and gear basics. Any recommendations? I always enjoy sniping although twigs up your nose sounds not so fun... I have enjoyed nerf a lot but airsoft sounds like a nice step up. And you can't really be a sniper in Nerf as the guns are not higher velocity, more accurate, etc.

Utah IS pretty awesome although I moved here from upstate New York, and while I like it here better, we moved from the country to the city :( and I left behind all the friends I have had for upwards of 7 years. I am also REALLY shy and bad at making friends so it ain't going so great lol. I do get to do a lot with my Grandpa now and we love to go snowmobiling, ATVing, camping, etc. That's really fun.
You totally should man!

Starting out, I would get a Lancer Tactical AEG. I did the mistake of getting a super cheap $50 rifle, and I payed the price. The thing is absolutely trash.

I would recommend any of these:,p_89:Lancer+Tactical&c=ts&ts_id=3395161&tag=ff0d01-20

(As long as they fit your price range. ;))

I would make sure there is a field first close to you, and discuss it with your parents. Talk to them that you want to do airsoft, and see what they think.

Goggles and Meshmask are a must IMO. At least goggles. I had skimpy eye protection and a bandana my first game, and it wasn’t that fun... :S

Next would be ammo. I recommend Elite Force, I haven’t been disappointed with them.’s%2B29%2Bgram&qid=1608675004&s=paintball&sr=1-10-catcorr&th=1&psc=1

I would go with .20 gram or maybe .25 gram, depending on the velocity of the gun you choose.

I also enjoy shooting real rifles, and I want to have a military career when I get older, so airsoft is a great outlet for me!

If you have any more questions, please ask man. :good:
So if you got a higher velocity gun then you would want the heavier bb's correct?
Yes... you sort of have to experiment with it. In my experience, most LT (Lancer Tacticals) need 0.25g BB’s, to not have that high of hop-up. Anything heavier than 0.25g will make the BB’s drop. Now this is only for battery powered AEG’s. With sniper rifles, 0.40g+ BB’s are recommended.
@Flushable Pets, when does your AEG come in? What model is it?

You mentioned earlier that you wished LT made AEG’s that weren’t as high powered. You can buy different springs and make them shoot with a lower FPS, but that may void the warranty on the rifle, if that does happen.

I would recommend to you, to make sure your kids have some thick clothing on when playing, because LT’s can sting. :S
@Flushable Pets, when does your AEG come in? What model is it?

You mentioned earlier that you wished LT made AEG’s that weren’t as high powered. You can buy different springs and make them shoot with a lower FPS, but that may void the warranty on the rifle, if that does happen.

I would recommend to you, to make sure your kids have some thick clothing on when playing, because LT’s can sting. :S

It's an LT-01C. Right after I ordered I found an LT-02C RAS II for the same price. Same guts, but the LT-02C RAS II has rails and includes a foregrip handle. But it's all gravy. My kids won't be getting shot with a 400fps AEG anytime soon. Practice first. Maybe try with an LPEG first time they get whacked since they are 3 and 6. It'll be open season on my wife, though.

And yes, once the warranty is up I will probably downgrade to an M100 spring for CQB.
Niceee... I definitely recommend replacing the springs once the warrant voids.

LT’s are very accurate, so they should be fun to shoot for you and your kids. :)
I'm kicking myself for ordering 5,100 .2g BBs. After reading up on it more, it seems that .3g range are generally more accurate given it's a 400fps gun. It may not be a tack track driver with them, but it'll good enough for some full mag dumps on paper and cans. I'm also planning on kayaking to the far side of my mother's pond thr next time we're out there and setting up a bunch of balloons to shoot. It's roughly 100 yards from their porch to the far side (and 600 yards or so the other way). If I can lob bullets in from an open sighted .22LR pistol and with Saoirse's pink Red Ryder BB gun at nearly 100% success rate, I'm sure I can do the same with this airsoft gun.
I'm kicking myself for ordering 5,100 .2g BBs. After reading up on it more, it seems that .3g range are generally more accurate given it's a 400fps gun. It may not be a tack track driver with them, but it'll good enough for some full mag dumps on paper and cans. I'm also planning on kayaking to the far side of my mother's pond thr next time we're out there and setting up a bunch of balloons to shoot. It's roughly 100 yards from their porch to the far side (and 600 yards or so the other way). If I can lob bullets in from an open sighted .22LR pistol and with Saoirse's pink Red Ryder BB gun at nearly 100% success rate, I'm sure I can do the same with this airsoft gun.
Ehhh... it’s really a personal preference, and every rifle/person is different.

When I borrow someone’s LT at an airsoft party, I always use .25g BB’s. 400 FPS is pretty fast for an AEG. The trash AEG I have now, can only shoot .20g BB’s.

Once you run out of the .20g BB’s, I would get .25g or .30g BB’s.

If you are shooting as far out as you say, i except the BB’s will hop-up to some extent. You can adjust the hop-up, and that should make it better.

Do let me know when they come in! :good:
Have you watched the Rev series by SwampSniper on YT? If not, you need to get on that. Next level nerdiness and I REALLY want to go! Here is chapter one of Rev 9:

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