Anyone know where to get foam for matten filters other than swiss tropicals?


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2023
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Does anyone know where to get 30ppi 3" thick foam for matten filters other than Swiss tropicals? I need 24" x 15" 3" thick. Love swiss tropicals, Stephans been great but I'm trying to save a few bucks. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you'd rather PM me info too that would be great. Thanks
Here, I can get foam in fabric stores, but it's not the quality or pore size you'd need for a matten filter. There are Chinese sources online, but the bulk needed makes it a false economy from what I've seen. Almost every time I've seen these discussions, the road led back to Swiss Tropicals and the price you have to pay.
I don't how much you paid for your foam at Swiss Tropics.

I bought some on amazon from ALEGI. They have many size available. From 20 to 50 PPI. But 3 inch thick is not on their list. Maybe Doubling the thickness could do.

I never Seen or checked the "high end" Japanese filtration mats... But What I received feels strong and resist to repeated crushing.

In comparison. While it feels slicker than an original Aquaclear sponge, it still has a good backbone.

And the coarseness is on spec, no surprise.
I have a lot of new and used Poret for sale (sheets, cubefilters and 1 tower filter 5x5x10) but unfortunately not the size you want :-( I have 10, mostly 20 and some 30 ppi plus lots of lifters. I am closing down tanks and have a lot of things for sale including tanks, stabds, lids , lights, filters, heaters. I am not big on shipping these days.

I am always willing to pay up for Poret from Stephan because of how it is made. If you can go to a weekend event where he is selling in the venndor room you can save on shipping. He also gave me good advice on what to use where when I first started buying form him.

Reticulated polyurethane foam invented in 1956 made the design possible. Producing reticulated polyurethane foam is a two-step process: regular polyurethane foam is produced and then the membranes of the foam are removed by combustion. This creates a maze of polyhedral cell struts without windows and a very large surface. In terms of weight/volume and specific surface area, polyurethane foams surpass most other filter media.

So, if you get another brand, be sure it is "reticulated polyurethane foam."

I Just checked out the ALEGI brand I suggested, and they are made of reticulated polyurethane too.

I'm pretty sure that it's the industry standard today because of it's inherent ideal properties and durability.
ATI spongs are not made that way. You can tell is a sponge is gfarily soft when you squeeze it, it is not reticulated.

edited Because I discoverd ATI is reticulated, my mistake. They feel so flimsy to me compared to Poret.
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